Anonymous ID: 49b94e March 13, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.8406747   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6787

At grocery. No bananas. Needed some veggies and fruit. Not crazy but very busy. Checkout chick sad because Costco didn’t have her baby wipes in stock. Kid reacts to other brands. Couldn’t say when they would be back in stock.

I get to Muh car. God says- go buy her wipes and get her cash. So I go back in the store- get back in a line with all the people holding two large packs of sensitive skin wipes and the customer service person shocked says “we have baby wipes?? They must have just come in!” She put them aside for my original check out chick in a bag with the cash.

We are moar than the calm. I didn’t tell anyone but you Anons and the customer service lady knew so she could give the chick what she needed. I’m blessed to bless! Nice being comfy. Love you all (no homo)