Anonymous ID: e444b7 March 13, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.8406095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8405318 lb


What Chinese bioweapon was that?

Do you mean the one created by a certain American oligarch?

POTUS knows where COVID19 came from and he knows it is not China

That is why he is besties with Xi

And why so many American experts are in China right now helping China combat the pandemic.


China is a friend to the USA

The CCP? Not so much. But they are just minions

Who are controlled by the real men behind the curtain

And the CCP is soon going to fade away as China returns to the ideals of the Tang Dynasty

Part of The Plan

Anonymous ID: e444b7 March 13, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.8406185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6277 >>6776

>>8406037 (pb)


Poor low IQ Anons trot out Bill Gates Oct 2019 virus contagion exercise in Wuhan as proof that the Chinese were trying to kill us all.


The fact that an American oligarch with a history of triggering contagious disease outbreaks was running the Wuhan exercise seems to have eluded their little Anon brains.


COVID19 was an American virus and it was an American attack on the whole world because it was all masterminded and unleashed by an American.

The only saving grace is that this American oligarch is a high ranking person in the Globalist Cabal who have NO LOYALTY to any nation or people (except for Jews) and therefore we can disown Mr. Gates.


The fact that he resigned from the board of Berkshire Hathaway is a VERY BIG DEAL

And he sent a coded message that he will continue to fight against the forces of Trump in order to reverse the climate change which has turned against the NWO.


Note, that I am not talking about weather or sea ice or CO2 here. I am referring to the REAL CLIMATE CHANGE that has taken place since about 2012, as increasing numbers of people have turned against socialism and the NWO program of Globalism.

Anonymous ID: e444b7 March 13, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.8406707   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And just so you know,

How unaltered photographs

Cannot be trusted

Here is another photo of her

From the same photo shoot

Which gives the impression of a different person

But which agrees with all the other pictures in that shoot

And in the many other photo shoots that she did for erotic modeling sites.

Anonymous ID: e444b7 March 13, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.8406774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6797



After Corona virus is sneezed out

It can travel about 3 meters before it hits the ground

Or, it could hit something closer.

It will fall in a parabolic arc

This means that one meter away from the sneeze

It is already below the level of most people's face

So you cannot breathe it in unless you are a small child

And for them, COVID19 is a mild infection with 0% fatalities.

This is why they suggest maintaining 1 meter distance from other people.

Now, imagine you are in a car, and you drive up to MacDonalds drive-in

And you have COVID-19 and you sneeze at the order taker.


Will they catch it?

Highly unlikely because 99% of the time

Their face never gets within 1 meter of yours


POTUS is setting up drive-in testing services

So the person who suspects they are sick

Stays in the car, and only the test kit gets passed around.

Add a face mask for the people in the booth

And you will have a 0% transmission rate.


The world is a frightening place if you are a moron

But only you can fix that problem

Nobody else can do it for you.

You have a choice.

Choose wisely.

Anonymous ID: e444b7 March 13, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.8406831   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think that intelligence agencies

Infiltrated all the Cabal bio labs

A long time ago

And I think they have been publishing disinfo

In scientific papers for many decades

To trick the Cabal leaders

Who are REALLY stupid

Into thinking that they could actually create a contagion

When the truth is, that it is impossible to do.

We have millions of years head start in battling organisms

Both those that evolved on earth

And those that arrived on comets.

This is why contagions always start with a bang

And within weeks they turn into a whimper

Letting them out into the wild is a death sentence

The wild knows how to take care of itself.