Anonymous ID: f0625f March 13, 2020, 3:20 p.m. No.8406170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6367


Stock Market Yesterday -9.99%

Q post 666 when stock was down -666

Q post 666 also tells Anons to think Mirror!.

Mirror of 666 is 999.

Potus showed he was Boss today and yesterday showed we Control Markets, Attached also anons 9.36% post Trumps uncle Johns pal Tesla numbers!


Uncle John Trump tribute: A few DeadHead Anons I know

Come hear Uncle John's Band by the riverside,

Got some things to talk about, here beside the rising tide.[STORM COMING]

p.s. Jesuits and Woodstock any anons wanna give a summary.


peace God Bless Anons.

Anonymous ID: f0625f March 13, 2020, 3:38 p.m. No.8406375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6526 >>6623 >>6720

The Boss Tweets:

Gains the Power of the National Emergencies Act

The Act was signed by G Ford in 1976 200 year Delta from1776

Potus today mentioned the Google 1700 engineers helping on the Website.

Q 1700- Declaration of Independence

With his declaration Potus gains 470 Powers that Presidents have during all sorts of emergencies, the Emergency Act consolidates them all into one ACT.

Stage Set.

Start the Show.

Trust the Plan.


Gaining the 470 extraordinary Powers was the PLAN!

As can be seen in Potus Tweets.

Review the 470 Drops.

Think 470

Hubers 470 was a headfake

470 Mil Intel Brigade a diversion.

Huber + IG + 470

FISA/NSA collection [Crimes] + IG [Internal Violations/New Policies/No Repeats/Never Again] + 470 Emergency Powers [Enforcement Time/No red TAPE}


Anonymous ID: f0625f March 13, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.8406457   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ty anon, autists amaze me!

god bless brother.

thanks for sharing.

i think i hit some of your amazing points!

great work.


I am on the track now that 470 referred in large part to the 470 extraordinary powers granted to potus under the national emergencies act.

I believe Q intended to mean that and used cover.

This NEA will allow all the work to be done swiftly and silently, and potus tweets hit hard about using all the power.

Power of the 470 provisions/powers granted, I think Q masked it well, but do you have any ideas where crumbs could be.

any thoughts are appreciated!

Anonymous ID: f0625f March 13, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.8406583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


cliveden set, milners knidergarten.

read Quigley anon?


I hate when [They] hide shit 'cfr' by diluting, introducing distractions, almost as bad as the corney shit!

Anonymous ID: f0625f March 13, 2020, 4:14 p.m. No.8406817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6899


yeah 7 of them cite 470, i am pretty convinced of Qs intent with 470, I think huber # was a headfake and perhaps MI Bat 470.

All are significant when you remove the narrative Q used for optics.

In reading About the act itself a congress team investigated and determined the Pres had 470 added powers.


I appreciate your interest, I am sure with Q there is always more crumbs around, i will check other posts someone linked to you about keystone, its great to have different minds analyzing.

god bless anon.


question, how do you get qmap to search only for 470 i had to use another site i got hundreds of hits, and cant really use qmap properly for searching in its default mode.

any help appreciated there!