Anonymous ID: 93fcf8 March 13, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.8406940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7068 >>7532 >>7619


God has the power, the board is nothing more than a place to meet and gather. There is no more power in one ounce of digits than there is in the whole internet combined. Power is spent at the time it is consumed, God is the only one that sends any power to us, without God there would be no power.


I don't agree with anything else that you said, yes when 2 or more are gathered in the name of JESUS, anything is possible. This is not the gathering of Jesus, this is the kek dead god gathering.


This board is a place of witchcraft and magic numbers and nothing more. It has no power because it can't get up and walk on it's own. Without the electricity to run it, the internet is nothing more than a large block of metal scrap. Without the people to operate it, the internet has no forbearance on anything outside of the digital world structure.

Anonymous ID: 93fcf8 March 13, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.8407123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7142 >>7145 >>7190 >>7483


The reason [They] want to stop this movement is because it is a misguided movement that drives the people in the direction of the wrong path. You can't call me grasshopper and learn what I have to teach because you aren't the teacher. All there is in you is a denial of truth because you give power to someone on a anonymous board that you have never met before. How do you know for certain that any of these posters are real? How do you know for certain that any of these anons are in your same Earth, same timeline, same time space? Get out from in front of the internet and talk to real people about your christian values, God isn't grateful for anything that you have done because you aren't saved by your works. God gave you the gift of salvation freely and that is your gift to share with others.