Anonymous ID: d2aa2f March 13, 2020, 4:52 p.m. No.8407253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391 >>7434

Crap. That's it!


They're running a Cloward Piven strategy to try and overwhelm the health care system.


They don't need massive mortality. They need massive health care consumption to crash the delivery system so they can push state run health care in the election.


They can run endless ads with little old ladies sharing a respirator and the Humana CEO waterskiing behind his yacht while their candidate pushes the "solution".


It won't work because Trump kept them from Getting critical mass of infected into the country, but I bet a dollar that's their plan.


It also helps distract from creepy Joe's obvious cognitive impairment until he can be replaced.


Just imagine this change in the scenario.

The witch wins in 2016

The border remained wide open and we took in a million more third world illegals with shitty hygiene habits in the last three years.

They cluster in large cities.


Travel from China and Europe stayed open for an extra month.


We'd have a million cases by now and climbing.

We'd be worse than Italy because you simply cannot contain Americans like Europeans. We won't comply.


The system would not be supported by government the way it is being today and would be overwhelmed. All the while their media would be hyping the failure of private health care.


Presto change-O! You transform the greatest health care on the planet into the third world centralized crap the rest of the world has.