Anonymous ID: 411a24 March 13, 2020, 5:48 p.m. No.8407831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7914


Us oldfags grew up when this was pretty much Common Sense. Put good stuff into your bodies, build up Immune System. Now there are hypochondriacs who run to the Dr. & pharmacy for every damn minor thing and become immune to Antibiotics, etc., and can't NATURALLY fight off anything - even a cold.


Now, even restaurants will have to go back in time and "teach" people the most basic of basics, such as good ol' Common Sense Sanitary practices.

Anonymous ID: 411a24 March 13, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.8408186   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>All this aside from the virus

So true. People I know, however, only care about fast & cheap and have "conformed" to exactly what the Communists envisioned for the sake of "convenience". Even after telling them about those "farms" in central Florida which got busted a few years ago… the dogs & cats, etc., people just don't care and literally need the shit shocked out of them for anything to register. All of this, no thanks to Mockingbird, along with its deceptive "advertising"… People have become too desensitized.