Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8407869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8288 >>8418

NY Governor Cuomo on Mobile Coronavirus Testing: “I Want to Thank the Vice President and Especially the President who Facilitated This and Moved Quickly”


President Trump announced he was declaring a National Emergency today over the coronaviris.


Concerns about the virus have prompted massive closures across the country and a stock market rout, even though Trump has been ahead of the curve on preparing for the virus in most regards.


This afternoon President Trump and CEOs from Target, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart committed to assist the Trump administration in combating the virus.

Target and Walmart will allow the government to use sections of their parking lots for drive through testing.


On Friday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the new drive through testing centers in the state.


Governor Cuomo thanked President Trump and Vice President Trump for facilitating the mobile centers.

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.8407893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8288 >>8418

Philippine president orders coronavirus lockdown of Manila


MANILA: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced plans on Thursday (Mar 12) for a sweeping lockdown of the capital's 12 million people, including a halt to domestic travel, in a bid to contain the deadly new coronavirus.


Though the nation has detected a fraction of the cases seen in hotspots such as China and Italy, officials hope to arrest the spread before it takes firm root in Manila's densely packed neighbourhoods.


During a nationally televised address, Duterte also announced a month of school closures, ban on mass gatherings and a prohibition on the entry of foreigners from places where the contagion is spreading.


"It's a lockdown," said Duterte.


"It's just a matter of protecting and defending you from COVID-19. That's about it."


It was not immediately clear when all the measures would take effect but Duterte said the prohibition on domestic sea, air and land traffic in and out of Manila would start Sunday.


The Philippines' tally of cases has risen from 24 to 52 since Monday and four of its five virus-related deaths were reported this week.


Cases globally now stand at more than 125,000 and 4,600 deaths, most of which have been in China.


Duterte's heavy-handed move comes after the World Health Organization urged countries to take action, saying the outbreak is a "controllable pandemic".


The president himself underwent screening for the virus on Thursday as a precaution after coming into contact with government officials who were potentially exposed to the virus at recent public events.

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.8407930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7959

Europe’s Frontex sends more guards to defend Greece from migrant invaders


WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The European border protection agency, Frontex, says it has deployed another 100 border guards to Greece to help protect the European Union’s frontier there from pressure of migrants.


Warsaw-based Frontex said Friday the deployment of guards from 22 member states is part of a rapid border intervention requested by Athens. The assistance will also include vessels, maritime surveillance aircraft and Thermal-Vision Vehicles, for the Frontex maritime Rapid Border Intervention task, Aegean 2020.


Frontex already has more than 500 officers in Greece, as well as 11 vessels and other equipment.


“The presence of 100 officers from all around Europe underlines the fact that the protection of the European area of freedom, security and justice is a shared responsibility of all Member States and Frontex,” Frontex quoted its executive director, Fabrice Leggeri, as saying during the launch of the operation in the Greek town of Orestiada.


Greece has been trying to stop a massive wave of migrants pushing in from Turkey, in a crisis that erupted last month.


Athens says more than 45,000 attempted entries have been thwarted, including more than 500 on Thursday — when for a second day migrants threw Molotov cocktails at Greek border troops and police. Greek units were also attacked with tear gas and responded in kind.


Earlier in the week, two Frontex border surveillance planes were deployed to Greece.


The agency said the rapid border interventions are planned for two months but can be extended if needed.

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.8407969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8061 >>8270

Jerry Falwell Jr.: Could Coronavirus be the ‘Christmas Gift’, Kim Jong-un promised to U.S.?


“You remember the North Korean leader promised us a Christmas present for America? Back in December,” asked Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, on “Fox and Friends” on Friday.


“Could it be they got together with China and this is that present? I don’t know. But it really is something strange going on.”

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.8407989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NATO and COVID-19: a Parasitical Disease in Europe


The decision to go-ahead with NATO’s biggest-ever war games in Europe at a time of heightened fears over the coronavirus sure raises questions about the military alliance’s stated purpose of maintaining security.


NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg has said the Defender-Europe 20 exercises will not be cancelled due to the flu-like disease which has now spread to every country in the European Union causing hundreds of deaths so far.


Over the next five months some 17 allied NATO members will participate in military maneuvers across seven European states: in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. All of the host nations have reported infections from the COVID-19 virus. “Host” being an operative word when it comes to also talking about the relationship with the U.S.-led NATO alliance.


Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn is quoted as saying that the coronavirus outbreak has “become a global pandemic” and the “worst has yet to come.”


In all, 37,000 troops are involved in the Defender-Europe 20 war games, the biggest contingency since the end of the Cold War nearly three decades ago. The U.S. is sending 20,000 personnel. Most of those troops will return to bases located in at least 20 American states. Thus, the risk factor of spreading the disease across Europe and the U.S. is significantly increased by the NATO events.


Going ahead with the European war games looks especially ill-advised given that U.S. forces in Asia-Pacific have cancelled similar military exercises that were scheduled in South Korea out of fears about coronavirus (COVID-19).


The Defender-Europe 20 events underway come amid reports that the U.S. Commander in Europe, Lt. General Christoper Cavoli, may have been infected after attending a recent military conference in Wiesbaden, Germany.


The top health advisor to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Brig. General Paul Friedrichs has also admitted that the number of COVID-19 cases among the Pentagon’s armed forces may be far higher than is being reported.


The seeming lack of cautionary measures by the U.S.-led NATO alliance is in contrast to growing public concerns for containing the disease. Italy – which has recorded the second highest fatalities worldwide after China – has placed a total lockdown on public travel for its 60 million population. Airlines across Europe have cancelled thousands of flights as some carriers go out of business altogether.


Sporting events across Europe including major soccer matches are being cancelled or will be held without attendance by fans. The six-nations rugby tournament has been thrown into disarray from match fixtures being rescheduled; a big match between Ireland and France due this weekend is postponed until October.


In Britain there are calls for parliament to be suspended after health minister Nadine Dorries was reported to have been infected. Boris Johnson’s government has been accused of complacency in dealing with the virus.


U.S. President Donald Trump has also come under fire for not taking sufficient containment measures or providing adequate resources such as testing kits. The official number of U.S. cases of COVID-19 is relatively low so far, but that is thought to be due to limited testing.


It would therefore seem reasonable in this context of pandemic risk that such a multinational event like NATO’s Defender-Europe 20 be called off. As it proceeds, the war games appear to a perfect vector for accelerating disease spread between two continents and beyond. Indeed, not parking these war games seems the height of carelessness.

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.8408055   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel set for drastic new restrictions on workplaces, gatherings; no lockdown


New measures, including restrictions on public transport and limits at malls, shutting preschools, barring Palestinian workers, could paralyze 50% of economy, TV report says


The Israeli government is set to announce further widespread and stringent measures to try to contain the spread of the new coronavirus, including transitioning staff at workplaces deemed non-essential to work from home, and further limiting public gatherings and movement. The raft of new measures, in addition to those already in force, are likely to paralyze up to 50 percent of the Israeli economy, TV reports said Friday night.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat Friday with top ministers and advisers working on the next steps and was expected to make the announcements on Saturday night, Hebrew media reported. However, Israel was expected to stop short of declaring a state of emergency or imposing a lockdown or curfews.


Among the steps being discussed and likely to be announced are ordering non-essential workers to work from home, limitations or bans on public transport, shutting preschools and creches, limiting access to some malls and shutting others. Some government workers will also be shifted to working from home, TV reports said. Officials were said to be working to determine how many Israeli workers would be classified as non-essential.


All essential workers and workplaces would continue as usual, with extra staff to be recruited.


The government was also considering releasing prisoners with light sentences to reduce prison crowding.


Despite the devastating effects to the economy, officials have repeatedly promised that there will be no food shortages, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday there was “no reason to storm the supermarkets.”


“We are investing considerable means right now to increase the pace of testing, to reduce the infection rate and – of course – to reinforce, strengthen and safeguard the medical teams, as well as many other things,” Netanyahu said after the Friday meeting.

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.8408221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That’s how you spread panic! Ohio official backtracks on claim 100k people in state ALREADY carry coronavirus


Doctor Amy Acton’s shocking claim that 100,000 Ohioans already carried the Covid-19 coronavirus was just “guesstimating,” she said a day later, noting the actual number of confirmed cases stood at just 13.


At least one percent of the population carries the virus, Acton had said at a press conference on Thursday. "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly.” Her comment quickly went viral, so to speak.


By Friday, however, she was walking that back, saying that she was only “guesstimating” the numbers. The Ohio Department of Health has confirmed only 13 cases in the state so far, with 159 more awaiting test results and 50 confirmed negatives. Another 333 people are being monitored.


The ODH doubled down on support for Dr. Acton even so, describing her as "smart, calm, cool and collected." She also received a glowing write-up in the Columbus Post-Dispatch as a “calming” voice of reason.


That left some members of the general public scratching their heads and pointing out that her “guesstimating” math actually fueled panic and fear.


Others noted that Acton’s math was especially egregious, given that there have been 127,000 total confirmed cases of the virus in the entire world so far.


At the time of her remarks, only five Ohioans had tested positive for the novel coronavirus.


“The coronavirus is already all over the state of Ohio,” Governor Mike DeWine said on Friday, echoing the doctor’s comments from the day before, even as Acton informed the public that the number of confirmed cases has risen to thirteen.


Testing for the virus has become somewhat of an obsession in the government, with the House Democrats making it a key plank of their coronavirus relief bill to provide free tests for anyone who wants them. Though President Donald Trump continues to insist that only those who exhibit the symptoms should bother with testing, so as not to overwhelm the system, the White House did take several steps on Friday to boost the number of test kits available.


Trump declared a national emergency over the coronavirus on Friday, after the World Health Organization officially recognized the outbreak as a pandemic. There have been over 1,800 confirmed cases of covid-19 in the US, of which 42 have been fatal.

Anonymous ID: b41341 March 13, 2020, 6:33 p.m. No.8408387   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I posted this, below, on 5 February


Coronavirus mark of the beast (staged) via hegelian dialectic


  1. Spread corona virus.

  2. Initially lie about severity.

  3. Allow those effected to travel WW at the time of Chinese New Year to ensure maximum distribution.

  4. Use MSM to push huge amount of fear porn, say it comes from Bats and Snakes (vampire serpent ref. to those already paying attention) and deflect responsibility for the coming market collapse.

  5. Use fear porn to scare the masses then start locking down cities/airports/travel.

  6. Start controlling narrative about origins of virus, claim conspiracy theories about patents Bill Gates and co are false.

Anti-vaxxers push crazy coronavirus conspiracy on social media

Australian anti-vaccine activists have seized on debunked conspiracy theories to spread misinformation about the source of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, sharing false claims to suggest the disease was engineered in order to boost vaccine sales. Many of the posts being shared falsely connect the disease outbreak to a 2015 patent for an entirely different disease in the coronavirus family.

Claim opening coronavirus conspiracy emails can lead to your bank details being stolen


  1. Reliable facefuck starts hiding the truth.

Facebook says it will start removing fake posts and conspiracy theories about coronavirus


  1. Next claim figures are far worse and in fact a lot more people are infected.


  1. Whether they choose to kill a few million people next is still up for debate but I'm guessing they will or at least tell us that to ensure full compliance. Projection.

Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months – and says we should prepare for it as we do for war


  1. The rush for a vaccine, which mind you is already ready to go, used to stall roll out to allow pandemic to fester and grow.


  1. Push for full vaccine saturation WW.

  2. Those vaccinated have to receive the invisible tattoo, on hand???.

Bill Gates’ Plan to Use Invisible Ink to Tattoo Vaccination Status


  1. Will those without the vaccine tattoo not be allowed to buy and sell, cause they might infect others which has long been the bullshit excuse behind the mandatory vaccine scheduling pushed by governments WW? Not many question how such a retarded argument works.

  2. Tattoo on your hand most likely.


  1. Mark of the beast

  2. Everyone is expecting an RFID chip something invented decades ago, no one is expecting a nano chip.


  1. Get the coronavirus vaccine and people are now active on the 5G grid.

  2. Now your chipped you can be controlled, gene edited via crispr tech and will no longer be human.

  3. Your eternal soul lost forever?

  4. Be non-compliant they will just zap you from within as a warning or cause heart failure brain aneurysm you name it instant death if you really piss the AI control system off.

  5. Welcome to Orwell's 1984.


This is all scripted and planned see below:


Pandemic research paper by the German government from 2012 – IMPORTANT READ


The pandemic scenario starts at page 55 of the report.






English trans: