Anonymous ID: ce7e89 March 13, 2020, 6:22 p.m. No.8408254   🗄️.is 🔗kun



and if anon is REALL bored…


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>>8399075 (pb today) Coronavirus 33 fuckery can be connected to >>8375583 (pb) Booms en Route? for bigger picture.


33's on Friday 13th screams Masons and Templars, respectively. Templars went underground after Friday 13th 1307, reemerged as/fronted by Masons centuries later (Sauce = J.J. Robinson's “Born in Blood”). Per >>8399559 (pb today)


>>8375583 (pb) Booms en Route? (A+ autism here anon) connects Q+ tweet re: Pocahontas to Q#'s 955, 1037, 3041 to suggest BOOM indictments unsealed next week (or week after, maybe Skull & Bones 3/22 World Water Day). Q#955 especially significant, 2 yr delta on 17th (Q) of March.


Note that Q#1037 → 1307 A.D., the year in which Templars (Masons) were brutally suppressed on FRIDAY 13th of OCT. Another Templar-Mason tie in.


>>8375583 (pb) Booms en Route? Also points to today, Fri 13th IMO. As well, date stamp Q#955 decode timestamp, can be construed as meaning:


33 Templars-Masons / 5:5 (comms?) / 44 BHO


and / or




(multiple meanings exit)


Twin towers had Masonic/Templar twin pillars symbolism of Boaz & Jachin (sauce: 9/11 was major act of occult warfare.


Also, Q#955 (w/ Q#954 embedded) arguably has 33 (US (3) and 3x BOOM), timestamps could indicate time's (01 sec … :59 sec) running out for BHO (:44 minutes).


>>8403093 (Q#341 - BHO)



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I'm gonna need a straight jacket before this is said and done.