Anonymous ID: 829b71 March 13, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.8408683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

While Biden's resurgence was blamed on Clyburn, Corn Pop and the grown up roaches….it is the boomer hippies (especially women) from the city and suburbs (the 'professional' class they like to call themselves) who have united to shut out their kids' candidate, Bernie.


Fact remains, LBGQWERTY is what? 5% at most…and Dindu Nuffins who vote? Illegals and dead people. Ball them all up to 20% and it is nothing compared to the aforementioned demographic, who keep voting in the establishment types.


Know your enemy, even if they are sleeping right next to you. Work them like a sled dog during this downtime. Every vote counts this cycle. We need to win national popular vote and all the liberal states will have to throw their electoral college votes to Trump. Heads will explode (image related).