Anonymous ID: 2e2254 March 13, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.8409275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9958

Mike Adams the Health Ranger predictions….I like the 'Members of Congress will die" one in particular…bets?

Nancy, Chuck and Linds top my list…oh and Romney.


Predictions: Members of Congress will DIE, some Amazon fulfillment centers will collapse and certain airports across the USA will be closed under a national emergency order

Friday, March 13, 2020 by: Mike Adams

Tags: Amazon, CDC, coronavirus, infections, outbreak, pandemic, predictions, President Trump



Image: Predictions: Members of Congress will DIE, some Amazon fulfillment centers will collapse and certain airports across the USA will be closed under a national emergency order


(Natural News) Over a week ago, I reported that President Trump would soon declare a national emergency over the coronavirus epidemic. You can see that in the podcast video below or at this link on Brighteon.


Today, the mainstream media is exploding with a bombshell report: “President Trump to declare a national emergency!” As of this writing, he has in fact already declared that emergency.


When I first predicted this just a little over a week ago, people thought the idea was crazy. Now, just a few days later, it’s headline news. This is how things continue to go with my reporting on the coronavirus.


In an interesting side note, two days ago Alex Jones called me an “alarmist.” But today Alex Jones called me, “The Oracle.” (I’m a frequent guest on his show where I provide coronavirus pandemic analysis to the pro-America, pro-human, pro-liberty community.)


Here’s an animation we put together that shows the progression of confirmed infections across America. Note that there are almost certainly at least ten times this many infections which remain undetected. So this map is going to get a lot more RED in the coming weeks:



Here’s my original prediction over a week ago where I said Trump would declare a national emergency:



Five more predictions from “The Oracle”

Here are five more things that will happen soon in America:


Prediction #1) Amazon fulfillment centers in certain regions (such as Seattle or NYC) will be shuttered. No more fulfillment or shipping of packages until the lockdown is lifted. This will happen around the same time many local stores are also closed. The upshot is if you weren’t a prepper before today, you are probably too late.


Prediction #2) Members of Congress will die from the coronavirus. It’s inevitable unless they all lock themselves at home right now. Even then, some number of them are probably already exposed and will become symptomatic in the next two weeks. It looks like the coronavirus will enforce a whole new level of “term limits.”


Prediction #3) Airports will be shut down in major U.S. cities within the next two weeks. The most likely candidates for this are Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, Atlanta, NYC and Boston. Seattle will probably be first, or NYC.


Prediction #4) Before the end of this weekend, at least one large US city will be placed under National Guard-enforced lockdown / quarantine status. This will happen suddenly, without warning, and on Monday the stock market will take yet another huge hit.


Prediction #5) Massive government bailouts are coming for the airlines and other industries. Over the next several months, we will see huge government bailouts of the airlines industry, the insurance industry, banking, tourism, energy and more. Welcome to the new world of the bailout bonanza. I want my bailout money!