Anonymous ID: 68ab2a March 13, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.8409806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This virus has been in the population for most likely much longer than we thought. I would bet money the death numbers are WAAAAAAYYYYY off and that most were "other respiratory viruses". Every year the CDC comes out and says that this year's vaccine was ineffective and flu virus strain is different….millions sick and thousands die, but no panic. The symptoms are pretty much identical to the common flu strains so what would prompt China to test for another kind of virus? What is it about this flu that is so different? They say that it is easier to catch…but is it? I think the reason why the Administration doesn't want people to be tested without symptoms is because they probably found out the virus has been here for a long time and many people would test positive and then when the numbers spike, it will appear as a hotspot of community spread instead of the truth…the virus has been here longer than we think.