Anonymous ID: a995d9 March 13, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.8409661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9677 >>9718 >>9723 >>9768 >>9776

Attention 8Kun. I was coughing up blood yesterday. Started Liposomal Vitamin C therapy, and I already feel better. My nose isn't even running anymore and my pounding headache has disappeared. At this rate, I'll be fine in 2 more days.


I'm not surprised by this because I'm a microbiologist who dropped out of the med school track when I realized Vitamin C therapy was being suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry. It's been studied exhaustively since 1940. Dr. Klenner has almost 100% cure rate of polio using nothing but 90-150g/daily of intravenous vitamin C. That's 90,000-150,000 mg, 100x more than the RDA recommendations (because they are bought and paid for shills like our journalists). In the 70's his work was followed by Dr. Linus Pauling who treated thousands of terminal cancer patients and saved more than half using the same method. This relates to viral infections directly, as we now understand. The treatments forces damaged cells to induce apoptosis (commit suicide), which works just as well against cancer or viruses. Miraculously the high dosages have no known harmful side affects on human anatomy (despite big pharma spending billions to try to find some), but rather additional anti-oxidizing benefits.


Dr. Levy Thomas came next, discovering that liposomal encapsulation increased cellular absorption of vitamin C by 800%!!! He pioneered a very easy DIY method of making it at home with nothing but alcohol, vitamin C powder, distilled water, and soy lecithin in a blender. I'll include the recipe here: - You can skip all the extra steps and just do one long blending initially for like 10-12 minutes until it steams, and you'll still get 50% encapsulation, which is still fantastic. The extra steps only add about 20% more encapsulation, so IMO it's not worth it unless you are producing it for resale or facing vitamin C shortages. Thomas also discovered that C treats many other viruses including Shingles. I've witness that first hand. From full body case to 0 in 3 days.

His institute has treated 1000s of cancer patients since then.


Dr. Ronald Hoffman expanded this list, along with Dr. Robert Carthart, who teaches how to make IV solution at home and has been a lifelong advocate of high dose C therapy.


Dr. Abram Hoffer has also contributed to the field.


These guys didn't know HOW it worked, only that it DID work.


More recently, the mechanism has become more fully understood. This study proved that Vitamin C is useless without IRON. As long as there is iron present, it killed yeast in vitro.


More scientists followed this research Fenton Reaction theory was born and eventually confirmed.


Here is how it works: Vitamin C reacts with iron to create peroxide in your cells. Peroxide is toxic and creates oxidative stress. This sounds like a bad thing, but healthy cells can easily build catabolyzing enzymes which quickly neutralize the toxicity and continue to work for days. Viral/cancer damaged cells are unable to do that because their software has been corrupted. So you end up with selective chemotherapy.

Anonymous ID: a995d9 March 13, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8409673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9695 >>9729 >>9776 Random study showing tumor decline when patients are given vitamin C.


Big pharma pays a lot to try to disprove the effectiveness of Vitamin C with studies like this one. They are all structured the same way, with low doses at 1/100th the required amount being given so that the results yield the conclusion that C doesn't do much. Many intentionally leave out the dosages given to the patients, which is total quack science, depending on stupidity and laziness and hoping that no one notices that they didn't even have the pretense of due diligence. The others record low dosages below 10g that are NOT in liposomal form and are essentially 95% less effective. Here's an example of a study produced by shills for shills.


More recent studies prove that damaged cells can't deal with the peroxide that is produced when C reacts with iron.


SARS Corona 2 (renamed Covid 19 by WHO at China's demand) is an virus that attacks ACE2 Receptors, see Peak Prosperity on YouTube for good explanations. But it's also an ADE virus, meaning it attacks your macrophages, which part of what makes is so nasty. Once infected a macrophage avoids 90% of your immune system because they are unaffected by antibodies and other macrophages, leaving only your limited T8s to do an overwhelming job. But macrophages also concentrate vitamin C to protect themselves from viral infection, containing 80X more than normal cells: Simply put, this means vitamin C is EXTRA EXTRA effective against Corona Virus.


China has already started clinical trials, which are going to be a SMASHING success, but they are pretending that vitamin C only works on ADE viruses, which is simply not true, but whatever it takes to get this pandemic under control. . It tells you how bad this virus really is that the industry is willing to risk Vitamin C awareness growing in order to fight the pandemic. It would be globe shattering without this. It's a bioweapon there cant be no doubt about it because it shows signs of gene editing (pshuttle2 sequences have been found).


Fake News Globalist Shills are protecting the monopoly of big pharma with propaganda like this: It's technically true. Vitamin C in dietary doses recommended by the RDA will not boost your immune system enough to matter at all. High doses vitamin C isn't about boosting your immune system. That's a 80 year old lie. It's about KILLING infected cells. It's the mild toxicity of C that makes it useful and it's not toxic in low doses. Snopes also tried to “debunk” vitamin C. That SHOULD be all you need to know if you've been paying attention.


If Vitamin C goes mainstream, it will represent the largest backfiring of globalist plans EVER. It will ruin their pharmaceutical monopoly overnight. You know what Vitamin C has in common with dynamite and gasoline? It's cheap.

Anonymous ID: a995d9 March 13, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.8409782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9795

You don't know what you are talking about. Vitamin C doesn't "aid your immune system" in high doses. It reacts with cellular iron to create peroside and peroxidase which only healthy cells can mitigate. It's 100% fullproof cure in HIGH does. 90g/150g in IV form for emergency cases. 10-20g/day in liposomal form for prevention or slower but DIY friendly treatment. That's 100x the recommended dose for "immune boosting". Apples and oranges.

Anonymous ID: a995d9 March 13, 2020, 9:14 p.m. No.8409982   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fake News "Progressive" Globalist owned Politifact says it doesn't work.

I'll have to add that to the evidence list for it's efficacy. So thanks for that.


Politifact is a site used by Facebook and Twitter to justify the censorship of conservatives by dubbing things "fake news", at which point the AI "counters the virality" of your posts (no pun intended) AKA shadowbans. All the social media outlets have admitted this in front of congress while denying the term "shadowban". That is exactly how gatekeepers have prevented the ignorant masses from discovering the truth about MANY topics. Facebook has removed 4500 alternative medicine pages in the last 2 years, based mostly on Politifact and Snopes propaganda. It's totalitarian tyranny.