Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.8409526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9528

Muh Jew Propaganda shills are desperate again?

Spam ID on duty?



This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.



This is his 'work' one third into the bread…desperation.















































Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 8:34 p.m. No.8409621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9632 >>9657 >>9990



Eye 'witnesses': Police shot him from outside through his window when he was speeling.


Police: The department's news release on Friday says tactical unit members were serving a 'high-risk' search warrant around 4.30am when one of the unit's officers fatally shot Lemp.


Me also thinks this was a clown.

A tech savvy person that shilled here and maybe had other orders to connect the Q movement to violence.

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.8409705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9742



not that that would be great proof for anything, but I think he indeed just looks like satanist scum… psycopath cultish look imo.


but sure more convincing would be he being

  • connected to far right militia

  • tech savvy, raising money for start up (is that how clowns get paid?? can anons check who gave money??)

  • high rist search warrant

  • tactical police unit

  • completely ridiculous claims by 'witnesses' (how would anybody from outside know if he had been shot inside his bed? and why the fuck would police do that in the first place?)


imo most likely:

Q took out a clown.

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.8409776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9795 >>9814 >>9872 >>9982


>I'm a microbiologist

<believe me, bc….well, just do it.



>Misinformation about the coronavirus has particularly taken root in Facebook groups for anti-vaccine advocates and believers in QAnon, a broad, right-wing conspiracy theory.

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.8409842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864 >>9865 >>9866 >>9880 >>9892

Is there someone baking?

No notables at ~550?


The current BO seems to not be very good for this board, in a lot of ways, no more BVs and few bakers (with 2/3 clown bakers) just being one of them.

Jim, Ron - why would you back up this clown as board owner? You guys are not here to help?

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.8409857   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The series is inspired by a number of real Nazi hunters through the decades, but it is not meant to be a specific representation of any of them.[4] It follows a diverse band of Nazi hunters living in 1977 New York City who discover that Nazi war criminals are conspiring to create a Fourth Reich in the U.S.

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.8409904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924 >>9933


quite well?

you mean by having gotten rid of all BVs?

by never ever being around and posting with his trip every few weeks? (last one is so old, it times out!!) (fone year back there was a post by BO or BVs few times a day, bc they cared for the board)

or you mean by applying all time captcha w/o even letting anons know?

or by following that total clown account (pic related)?

or maybe by not checking the kitchen anymore, just one day after Anjel Guiterres Salcido, the most glowing controlled opposition clown, livestreamed a bake and was kiched out of the kitchen?


BO is as much clown as it gets.

And pretty sure Jim and Ron know that very well.

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.8409949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0025


8bit was neither, he pushed muh jew too for exapmle and attacked anons speaking up on that,

when anons called out shills successfully, 8bit also made a gobal notable on "please don´t repond to shills".


8bit was a clown.

fastjackis a clown.

Jim & Ron?

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.8409967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so maybe POTuS should move out of the US then? following your clown logic?


fuck off, anons will not leave this board and spend their time on a clown bpard that Q does not drop on and that the MSM do not refer to.


anons will stay right here, and make BO act in a way that he actually helps the Q movement, like for the past months.

Anonymous ID: add714 March 13, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.8409990   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why would you bake this notable with that title?

>>8409489 Police shoot dead 'anti-government militia man' in his home amid claims he was ASLEEP when they opened fire from OUTSIDE his house in raid

why highlight those words?

don´t you agree that those claims are quite ridiculous? have you not heard from other clowns trying to connect tie Q movement to violence?


maybe wanna bake this post too for more clarity?



otherwise the notables could be read in a way that anons are terribly outraged over what fake news media claims.