Anonymous ID: 653c62 March 13, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.8410048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the Sweet Red Pill.


There are a ridiculous number of ‘experts’ across the web and various media speaking and writing about ‘contagion rates’, ‘contamination and infection vectors’ and ‘statistical models’ predicting epidemiological armageddon. While some are well meaning, the vast majority are USEFUL FUCKING IDOTS repeating a talking point.


Welcome to SCAREFARE or fear warfare through the use of a psyop coordinated with an influenza bioweapon. Yes, it can kill if it hits an immune compromised individual. And it has. Blessings to those who have lost a loved one or friend.


From the 40,000 ft. flyover, the gay RENEGADE is the Medusa of the ‘corona virus plague’ that has infected the nation (and world). The metaphor of ‘contagion’ is the Deep State network, its sponsors, subscribers and useful idiots. The ‘illness’ is every ounce of fuckery, corruption, destruction and evil it has spread.


Look behind the contemporary veil of players and events and see this shit for what it is - a network of deeply ill, mentally fucked up people who only serve to enrich themselves with power and wealth in exchange for human life.


A stark understanding of this is the simple, small, easy to swallow red pill that is being prescribed to cure the ‘corona virus plague.’


The one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind.


Flame and accurate open fire kills all plague.


Lock and load.




God speed.