Anonymous ID: 052907 March 13, 2020, 11:55 p.m. No.8411131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1174 >>1183 >>1193

To Name A Virus


I am sure one who thinks calling this virus Wuhan or Chinese misses the boat, or ahh plane as it may be these days… but then since they are all shutting down anyway… there is not much to miss, except truth. 


I call it the CabalVirus, meaning engineered, incubated under national auspice, globally distributed with militant like strategy, and then brainwashing the planet with propaganda designed to muddle origins, misdirecting blame and discrediting those rising swiftest with effective defense. All those attempting the brainwashing are a part of the Cabal, voices inside China, American Dems and MSM.


It is becoming more broadly understood that the Deep Swampy State is indeed very real in America. Though we differ from China in many ways, it is not far fetched, China too struggles with their own Deep Swampy State. Listening carefully, seeing clearly, cracks in China appear making it sound forked tongue. 


POUTS on the 13th, Friday, declaring National Emergency, compliments the CabalVirus nomenclature/theory. Certainly well short of proof positive but exceedingly great organizational restructuring is good measure to combat strange new organized attack. With American Dem/MSM teaming with elements inside China to place blame outside of China and even accuse America for blame, is blatant manifestation of Cabal force at work. Furthermore POTUS, same message, referring to future outbreaks, he hedged on certainty of such. Go back and reexamine message. If this Virus is simply a product of nature/evolution then of course there will in all likelihood be more, why hedge. But if in back of mind, or even more forefront, if this is a man-produced Pandemic, then cessation of further outbreaks becomes conceivable if one defeats the perpetrators of the Pandemic, Cabal. That was quite plausibly POTUS's mindset as he spoke freely, hedging on future. Q suggests we should think logically and see, hear, what is in our faces.


Furthermore, POTUS declaration of National Emergency, what did it foremost accomplish… the stripping away of Deep Swampy State powers, RED TAPE, specified. We all know, DEMS, MSM and Deep Swampy State all bed as one. POTUS attacking on one is attack on all. POTUS direct attacks on MSM over Virus details further signals his conviction this is CabalVirus. POTUS says it as clear as he can, leaving us to draw and communicate logical conclusion. 


POTUS call is for National UNITY and therefore he cannot cast mistrust on many people, especially those of habitual lean blindly following lying masters like sheep. It is not too late for them. They still can and many will wake up over this pandemic. POTUS cuts red tape making it far easier for us to pass out red pills, the one 'pharmaceutical' never farmed out to China, THANK GOD. These are unprecedented red pill days of Presidential fortitude. UNITY, at the expense of DEM/MSM is a major Q message. These are those days.


True, no Trump Rallies in near days. But realize the HUGE TRUMP RALLY of these days. By virtue of POTUS besting this pandemic, he will outright own Health Care in America with the anticipation of new approaches… cutting Red Tape, street corner testing, telehealth, writing the book on joint, multifaceted solutions and much more innovation. This Crisis Management will be studied for decades to come. Dems think, hope, to destroy Trump with Pandemic. He turns them on their heads handing America sweepingly new Health Care. Evil Schumer will not know the virtue that hits him. Goodbye ObamaScare.