Anonymous ID: 71b892 March 13, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.8410952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Theyre praying that he gets sick

Theyre still working on actual hit job, read the comms theyve been sending? Holder especially?

Nance didnt stay for any q and a after her statement today, and rudely walked off, slammed the door.

The ds has no longterm plan, THEY wany him gone NOW, or they have NO FUTURE.

Their money is actually being used for the people now, not going into their pockets.

And the cartel just got '86'ed when, yesterday?

The American people are SAFE and SAVED from the preplanned plague, and actually waking up to freedom for the first time in a century, and walking away from the fear tactics used to enslave them

THAT IS THE TRUTH of the plan, the PATRIOT plan. The ds plan is no more. The only thing i may agree with opinion -wise is that we probably wont have the presidential election, because those dsfelons wont be eligible. Only Trump will remain.