Anonymous ID: 85c28c March 14, 2020, 12:19 a.m. No.8411222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons, I just happened to be at a big-box store today, just for regular shit, some paint, a furnace filter etc, and instead of everyone freakiing out, it was.. maybe 5% of people being morons, the rest of us were like, this is gonna be funny in a month. Smiling, talking to each other, and occasionally giving diry looks to the panic tards.


Anons, it did not feel like a riot was going to start, quite the opposite, it felt like a couple days after 9/11 when everyone was nice to each other for a week. It was pretty awesome.


Except for being in line for 45 minutes.


Shout out to the guy geting just two bottles of vodka, everyone was looking at your cart thinking "I should have gotten that".