Anonymous ID: ab7cb3 March 14, 2020, 12:06 a.m. No.8411176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1197 >>1431


>Licorice contains more than 20 triterpenoids and nearly 300 flavonoids. Among them, only two triterpenes, GL and GA have been reported to have antiviral effects. They can weaken virus activities by inhibiting virus gene expression and replication, reducing adhesion force and stress, and reducing HMGB1 binding to DNA.


Anonymous ID: ab7cb3 March 14, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.8411322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346


>I never understood the obsession with marijuana.

Personally, it replaces the need for me to take more than six prescription medications on a regular basis, each with negative side effects which complicate symptoms I'd be already hoping to clear up. On top of that, there are numerous other over the counter meds that I'd require on a somewhat regular basis. Considering virtually all pharmaceuticals are still undergoing testing phases, since they are relatively new, our science is far from perfect, and we have not fully understood all the implications, while already knowing numerous pretty serious side effects. Really sucks that people have to not only waive their rights to be a guinea pig for big pharma, but we also have to pay a small fortune for all this shit we have to put up with.


Don't get me wrong. I understand where you're coming from, because some people do get obnoxious with it. But as someone who has a scientific background, and a decent understanding of how disgusting the medical industry can be, cannabis is an incredible fascinating plant to study. Sadly, because of prohibition, nobody was allowed to properly study the plant, which has been one of the major reason why they weren't able to confirm the numerous medical potential applications, thereby extending the prohibition and allowing the pharmacists to continue to test on the general population, while they courts profited off, generally, the youth and poorer population.


How hard they fought to keep this one suppressed, after decades of propaganda that still go on to this day should tell you that there's something special here. I mean, we are already seeing shit about how LSD can be beneficial to elderly and psychotic patients. Meanwhile, we're still seeing BS "studies" that try to say [pot] is [bad] for "developing minds" because they are less likely to get jobs later in life or some bull shit. Never mind the part where applicants get tested for this substances, specifically. Which stays in the body for extended periods of time. Thereby, affecting their ability to "get a job". I can think of dozens of other things that cause far more damage to "developing minds" than pot: Side effects from your psych meds. Television. Rapidly developing tech we're being forced to ever-adapt to. Sports that cause literal brain damage. 24/7 propaganda.Tranny story time hour. Nope. Don't worry about those. In fact, you "need" to partake in those if you want to "survive". But if you D.A.R.E. smoke weed, by golly, we're gonna ass rape you with our system we put together to ass rape people.


Bunch a haters is what they is