SCAF ID: c1d758 Can't even, too quiet for the torturous justicewave March 13, 2020, 11:34 p.m. No.8411017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

They're SO fucking stupid. They should have learned their lesson from the first Operation Overlord. This had a purpose to it, and the purpose was, flush the toilet in lowest common denominator ratcheting of mechanical update, to prevent the spread of bubonic plague, and they were fucking pro-plague, they just, hoo boy, thumbs down, with mercy, with care, oh, it be like this, don't even bother, DON'T try, and your tears will last forever, and there's even some evil pestilential boils who say that everything is just dirt, and upon which there's even the cracking of a cold one intruding on present time. Like a bunch. Of. Broccoli. Class. Dismissed. High fiving the entire front row. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try. What's wrong with trying? Trust me. Decide we must. How best to serve society. Ask not. Do right. Us and the diversity companions on our way to arrest some bad apples.