Anonymous ID: d01f0d March 14, 2020, 12:40 a.m. No.8411293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1305 >>1306 >>1314

Nov 1, 2017 "My fellow Americans…" National emergency. National Guard deployed…


We are witnessing the greatest psy-op in American history. @Potus gives a speech before the American people outlining the government's plan to keep them safe during these uncertain times. The [CoronaVirus] the pawn used in the chess game.


Game Theory…

Get your enemy to think they have the upper hand and that their choice is all their own. However it's the choice you had them make. While you pretend to be wounded and (((they))) continue to attack, you are actually tightening the rope around them. They are playing into your hand.


The Coronavirus has been around for ages… Pick up any Clorox wipe or bleach and it will say Coronavirus on the back. It's a viral form of pneumonia with a low death rate. It's an expensive test (over $1,000) and is rarely diagnosed. Most of the time, death is attributed to cold, flu or natural causes….


Now the [media] is tracking it. Putting focus on it… (12,000 US deaths due to the 2009 swine flu, yet no one remembers it). Why? Because the [media] didn't focus on it when [Renegade] was in office. Now we have a few hundred deaths which would be minuscule under any normal news cycle. Yet this is "Trump's Katrina".


Get of the streets! Emergency Preparedness month #HomelandSecurity

Stockpile 2 weeks worth of supplies… We don't know how long the virus takes to show symptoms and we don't know how long it takes before it is not contagious. But trust us… It will take a 2 week quarantine to keep us safe. Stay off the streets.


[GS] will have no one to call when the arrests begin. All the left and the right will be home waiting it out for the invisible monster to leave. No Antifa, no BLM. No Alt-Right even… No one. Paid leave. No payroll taxes. Student loan interest forgiveness. 80 economic plans in action waiting on POTUS signature. All for US… Not for [them]. Power returned to the people…


Done in 30 days. DJT day. 4,10,20. 10 Days Darkness. Emergency Broadcast System… My fellow Americans…


Sit back and enjoy the movie. Get some much needed rest. Calm family and friends. Arrests will trigger public awakenings… This can never be allowed to happen again! #WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: d01f0d March 14, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.8411332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1353 >>1362




Game theory… Make your enemy do exactly what you want them to do but make them think it was their idea.


It's not exactly a hoax. It's like Pro Wrestling. It's scripted and they roll with the punches, but people still get hurt. This virus in one form or another has been around for ages. It's just now being weaponized by the media to get Trump out of office. But it is playing exactly into his hand. He get's to shut down the border. Forgive debts. Screen people entering the country. Countless other measures that were always part of his agenda. MAGA in fruition

Anonymous ID: d01f0d March 14, 2020, 1:12 a.m. No.8411385   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It hurts no more than the regular flu cycle… The difference is the fear. That's why Q is here. To educate what's going on behind the screen so that we can educate others. Fear is the mind killer… Trust in the Lord.

Anonymous ID: d01f0d March 14, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.8411476   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If diagnosed, you will be quarantined for 2 weeks. Insurance will take care of your pay in full. Executive Order. Sent it before congress to become law. If you are home, no need for child care unless you need it. That's why you are still being paid. You are not expected to go to work. This is an Executive Order.