Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 13, 2020, 11:11 p.m. No.8410899   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[reposting 2019-12-29 07:39:49Z No. 7651161]

If there are still clowns or members of a secret society [cult] that think the deep state could win this,

for your own well-being, please realize this war was already won a long time ago.


Realize what it means that POTUS has bought the former Winter White House Mar-a-Lago, realize the meaning of him tweeting at :33 with PLUS ULTRA tiles in the back of the pic.


Realize that POTUS and PLUS ULTRA, the secret society founded by Nikola Tesla and other on the Eiffel Tower, know and own all the symbolism and know about every spiritual/occult thing the deep state cabal tried to keep secret.


Realize that DJT´s uncle, MIT Professor John G Trump, looked into the inheritance of all of Nikola Teslas´scientific papers. (He found nothing…officially…the greatest genious of all time had nothing in his thousands of research papers?)


Realize that PLUS ULTRA, who´s members call themselves optimists, has been infiltrating key positions with white guys since decades. Disney is only one example (they played the bad game along, but implemented critical changes so humanity can wake up, see also Kubik!!).


Qteam/POTUS/PLUS ULTRA/worldwide patriots have FULL CONTROL.


Realize that everything that might occur to you like a smart deep state move only wakes up more people and exposes the deep state crimes more. So would brilliant deep state people have made that move?

The public who did not know what anons know sinse 2 years has catched up amazingly fast.

The people are woke, they know about the deep state in governments and agencies. They know about fake and agenda-driven media. They know that the deep state tried several coups on POTUS, they know Russiahoax and Impeachmenthoax are only done to hide deep state crimes.

The public also has learned about pedophiles and rapist in high positions that were protected by the establishment 'elite' and the corrupt media. The public has seen the wierd temple at Lolita Island and millions know all the symbolism behind that.


Everything that happens is only done to wake up the public. Some key players are controlled by secret military tribunals making them puppets for Q while taking down the deep state - see POTUS EO´s enabling exactly that and see McStain, [exactly 30]!


Does anybody really thing Biden would give that 'kids on my lap' talk bc he thinks this would be smart?


Does Prince Andrew give such an interview bc he things that would be smart?


Is it a smart choice to pick Ukraine for impeaching POTUS, when Ukraine is the country that is heavily tied to deep state corruption and to them influencing the election?


Is it a smart choice, when in need of a hearsay whistleblower, to pick someone with strong ties to CIA / Brennan / Biden? Could they not simple have picked someone else, when it´s hearsay anyway?

Everything that happens happens to wake up the public. Q team has full control. And the plan works amazingly well!

Deep state assets, MSM people, agency folks, members of secret societies that have to act treasonous,

please realize you can break free!


Please realize that the world has changed, the old rules do not apply anymore.

You might be afraid, you might feel that all the symbolism around the globe might mean the cabal has still control, but you are wrong. This (known) symbolism only wakes up more and more people and is not helpful at all.

Don´t be fooled by MSM, espacially when you know best since a long time how MSM fools everyone.

The MSM is not into influencing the majority anymore. The majority sees and rejects fake news. All MSM does is make the majority believe they are a minority - and that won´t work very long.


The US military (and yesterday Dan Scavino) have repeatedly tweeted on suicide prevention.


POTUS has repeatedly shown that former bad players can break free - many people who are close to him or openly like him prove that every day.


Q has even posted the WH phone number and signaled that bad actors can and should break free.

This is God´s plan.


Proverbs 28:13

''Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,

but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.''


Ezekiel 18:32

For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!


Luke 5:32

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 13, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.8410921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0946



The square wooden poles are still there

Peeking out from behind the right leg of the tall guy

And between the legs of the shorter one.

You really need to learn more about photo analysis

And weather in polar regions. The recent photo has a much lower snow level but it is the same sign with the same posts.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 13, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.8410946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0954



Here are two books to read about photo and image analysis

Nobody needs to be incompetent

With the Internet you can become a better Intelligence Analyst

Than many of the professionals

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 13, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.8411039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1063 >>1129



Utter nonsense


COVFEFE is about Vanadium Nitogenase and the Fe-Fe bridge that can convert CO (Carbon Monoxide) into hydrocarbons when there is a VFe Cofactor present.


Vanadium Nitrogenase: A Two-Hit Wonder


Not only is there abiogenic oil being made in the earth's crust, and likely Mars as well, but we can make it ourselves using enzymes on board a starship or in a Lunar colony.


When MSM is destroyed and off the air, the NEW news media will be filled with tons of educational programs about new science and new technology and it will be far more interesting than the current nonsense because it will be real and people will be able to try some of it out themselves at home or in the after-school programs that will keep all the schools open until midnight.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 13, 2020, 11:55 p.m. No.8411129   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And if you want to understand why Russia and Saudi Arabia would be pushing down the price of petroleum in order to make US shale oil unviable, start by reading about SAFIRE and Aureon Energy here


And then consider the size of the West Texas Cambrian oil field that doesn't require pumping poison into the water table all over the country. Not to mention the oil under Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf.


Oil is good for more than energy and the USA has lots of it.

But there are clean ways to make nuclear energy as well and the Cabal was suppressing that knowledge.


Oh, and that .ca URL? Canada, and did you notice that Canada finally ratified USMCA and that POTUS made a comment about things being done all over the USA, and then the continent as well.


USMCA is far more than just a NAFTA replacement. It's the first step on the road to realizing Vladimir Zhirinovsky's vision of the world. He happens to be the REAL opposition to Putin in Russia. But, like all the competitors on the stage behind Trump today, Russia manages its politics in a sportsmanlike way where the competitors all root for the same nation.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 13, 2020, 11:58 p.m. No.8411146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1165 >>1533 >>1551



To begin with, WE WILL RISE UP

Sounds like the words

Sofa Cough

In English.

NOT covfefe


And the rest of your post is unsourced nonsense.

You really want me to believe that a Google team tasked with


conservative voices did not name themselves

From the word Deride?

I don't think so, no matter what story they tell you.

And it is totally irrelevant to the Trump administration's work anyway.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 14, 2020, 12:14 a.m. No.8411207   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Great stuff isn't it?

It's just like that book that someone in the Trump team got Michael Wolff to write.

Fire and Fury made Trump look like a total idiot

And the left bought it

The Cabal bought it

And it was too late when they realized it was a trick

And that Trump was a genius who had already set them back generations

In their NWO plans.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 14, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.8411336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Presumptuous Are They


==The dog is turned to his own vomit



Jim Watkins with his coded comms…

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 14, 2020, 1:13 a.m. No.8411390   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The first Cro-Magnon men to walk out of Africa

Were just as intelligent and creative as we are

And I'm not talking about the average modern when I say we

I'm talking about the exceptional people with broad knowledge and exceptional memories

People like Trump and Putin and the scientists who built the SAFIRE reactor.


All that Cro-magnon's needed was a nice place to live and prosper in peace

So they had time to build up several generations of knowledge

And start building stuff like Vimanas

12,000 years ago.

Anonymous ID: d84ed0 March 14, 2020, 1:23 a.m. No.8411429   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hitler's sub entered the Orinoco and took him right up a tributary into Colombia, not far from the town of Tunja were he spent his first 10 years after the war. Two other subs with senior Nazis went to southern Argentina where they took a pack train of horses up to the mountains around Bariloche.


The subs that went to Antarctica took military people, scientists and engineers who were working on several secret technology projects. The Nazis who came to the USA in Paperclip knew enough about these folks to whet the appetites of the Dept of the Army and OSS so they went down to Antarctica and fought a small war, eventually conquering them. At that time everything was cleaned out and brought to Nevada for further development. The people who came from Antarctica were called the Greys, because even though they couldn't wear their military uniforms, they preferred to wear Field Grey as they had in the Wehrmacht.


You often see old soldiers in civilian clothes the same color as their former uniforms for the same reason.


The flying saucer tech was taken to Antarctica and then to Nevada.