Anonymous ID: db7ccf March 13, 2020, 11:19 p.m. No.8410943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0963

#bluebloods is trending on twitter. I've noticed before that they make tv shows/movies that have titles that are called up to MAGICALLY eat up a search and push a trend to foul the search engine results when we get close to something.

We've been digging on adrenochrome and their illness and getting CLOSE, and I think this #bluebloods sudden trend is a pre-emptive search foul for everything related to the bloodlines/adrenochrome.


Because if they are talking #bluebloods on twitter for a tv show, and we talk about #bluebloods, normies wont see our info or memes buried in the trend about hollywood. Its trend sliding like they topic slide, and these show titles have been planted so they can be called up to foul narrative, poison results, and dilute information.


#BLUEBLOODS we see you.

Anonymous ID: db7ccf March 14, 2020, 12:55 a.m. No.8411328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1359

frenz, my beautiful wonderful amazing frenz!

Wuhan makes adrenochrome…

The blood suckers, the royal fucking RH- blue blood and its common hemophilia, and IRON DEFICIENT (FE- COV FE) had to go the Wuhan route for synthetic….


….Because they haven't been able to get any real. The supply lines were cut! the explosions in the poconos and CA that sealed the tunnels, the limiting of trafficking over the border, the explosions that collapsed epsteins tunnels. 2 years to free the children, to cut the supply. We left them no route to feed their illness. So they had to go synthetic!

These vampires of old. Who promised entertainers and politicians 'immortality' if they would just drink and join them in their sickness. (illuminati card game)

We have left them no means of supply to treat their disease. And the penguins– they couldn't even get from the poor penguins again…because we control the fucking Antarctic. PB ANTARCTIC PICS RELATED.


And when they had no choice but to get it from Wuhan, they got contaminated supply with a marker-an ID. And we are in no danger of getting it. Only the blood suckers. oh we'll get a little cold but most of us have immunity already.. and ours that came through a few months ago didn't have the ID marker that the blood suckers have now. from Wuhan. their supplier.


Will it kill them? or just make them turn themselves in? or suicide? knowing this is the end?


They are done.


the cure for these evil filth, was their own hubris