Anonymous ID: 02a556 March 14, 2020, 5:50 a.m. No.8412489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2517 >>2530 >>2531 >>2556 >>2609 >>2659 >>2714 >>2742 >>2765 >>3063

as in all his videos so far, austin drops important crumbs most qresearchers refuse to address, ie. westworld reference, cash/anonymous purchasing of guns (black market) location, gun serial number, why the gloves when handling the gun, reference to recent church shooting/video surveillance cameras, that particular gun range location, is that gun shop a distribution center for who is behind the gun distribution, ms13?,etc. etc.

amazing how this qresearch board refuses to research some things that are obviously worth looking into and exposing

you guys are just like the msn, using intimidation and ridicule as your only arguments, which are not arguments