Anonymous ID: 9e3c85 March 14, 2020, 6:54 a.m. No.8412901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925 >>2941 >>2971


Coronavirus is a bioweapon that was engineered by the cabal. It is actually lying dormant in many people right now, and has been for awhile. The virus can be activated with an external signal through 5G.

The gameplay here isn't so much to cause widespread deaths, but to cause as much panic as possible. This largely explains the issue with testing kits. Since the virus is already more widespread than most of us realize, the white hats want to limit testing, because it'll just fan the flames of panic that the deep state is striving for. It also explains why all of the deep state actors keep crying about tests, and why Jack Ma is giving us half a million tests for FREE.

This is the deep state's last ditch effort to cause chaos and maintain their grip of control. However, their own weapon is being used against them. If white hats control 5G signals that can activate the virus, then they're able to directly target individuals, such as we're seeing in Iran, Italy, etc.


I'll also add that I don't think Tom Hanks actually has an active case of Coronavirus. He's part of the effort to drum up fear, and is just acting his role right now. However, that could quickly change if/when the virus is activated in him as well.