Anonymous ID: a87f74 March 14, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.8412425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2667 >>2947 >>3035

Governor DeSantis of Florida, on Primaries Not Being Cancelled: "We Voted During the Civil War"


Reminds me of:


What has to happen to allow Civilians to be tried in Military Tribunals?


Ex Parte Milligan 1866

“Civilians can only be tried in Tribunals IF civilian courts aren’t functioning.”



Anonymous ID: a87f74 March 14, 2020, 5:52 a.m. No.8412503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2667 >>2947 >>3035

Don’t mean to shit the bread, but WifeAnon Pissed, and sending letters to the local SunSentinel Editorial Board interfering with Patriots while they work. Meanwhile they're hero "alt" Candidate Gillum having "fun in the sun".




Sun Sentinel Article: “Don’t let “shark finning” be your legacy, Gov. DeSantis”


Way to have your finger on the pulse of what citizens are most concerned with!


How would this narrow issue possibly define the legacy of an otherwise extremely successful term as Governor?


Do you think the fact that he’s proactively ordering and distributing more coronavirus testing kits than every other state combined is a fact more deserving of such a headline?


If you would remove the fog of bias, you might see that we’re witnessing a great administration. And even one that has made great progress to protect the unique environment in Florida, since that is apparently the most defining attribute of a good governor.


Please Be Fair,



