Anonymous ID: 1f874c March 14, 2020, 7:35 a.m. No.8413238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3492

>>8413132 pb

tf? who said anything about jews? care less what anyones religion color country or god even is or if they even have one, i enjoy my time in the shadow and beckon the dead only for a just reason.

just saying if you people do not know what is really out in down or around here yet… you might not want to.

eye ask for it.


mcavoy could be a fucking easter bunny or a reindeer for all i care, i know weak corrupting sacks of shit and agent c brainwashing when i see it.

also controlled demolition inc, eye now have proof.


like i said i enjoy this shit. wait til you see what happens.


really though why did that immediately scream i hate jews to you race baiting sack of shit?

Anonymous ID: 1f874c March 14, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.8413539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3551


not biting your bait dipshit.

not everything in this world is racist.

would you find it more offensive if i said you robots?

you half failed a.i.?

anyone that thinks basic term speech is racist is just still washed by the system and dividing for no reason other than simply to do so. or just ignorant.

either way were still trying to help even you, dick. and "you people".

Anonymous ID: 1f874c March 14, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.8413623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3628


whats intense is i told the few people i know false flags and 9/11 style wargame hacks were going live again directly before this happened.


down to the hours almost even.

spooky spook



had a math teacher back in the day that said if pi continuasly introverts for infinity and you assigned number alphanumeric or translated into letters eventually going far enough words would form out characters and eventually those would form into sentences paragraphs etc etc said given enough length of data strings entire books if not all would be locked away in there

Anonymous ID: 1f874c March 14, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.8413790   🗄️.is 🔗kun



oh ya i know all about the "time" "pieces" ……

markers are cool and impressive and everything too but ya.

and here i thought i couldn't sleep in my epstein expedition days and the chandler crap.


when we revisiting al'fantis ehnyway?


cards from fucking '16 F U C K M E