Anonymous ID: ff3fee March 14, 2020, 7:27 a.m. No.8413169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3177

>>8413113 (lb)

Yes, it was still there on the top of the refrigerator. It says in big bold type: YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUIRED BY LAW

the choice to not respond is my response. If they want it they can come and have it back but I have had a bad cold within the last month so . . . they might want to put it in a biohazzard bag . . . I'm fine. All that they might catch is some humor.


as far as the census in the real year, of course I will send it back with the number of people who live in this place listed correctly. That is usually all the data I give.

Anonymous ID: ff3fee March 14, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.8413302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3318 >>3369 >>3573


so was it guilt that drove him to suicide?

I know that the public persona that the press had of him was not who he was in person.

I also am fairly clear that he regretted not drawing a line between his public and private persona.

so you say it was all real, that he was a horror, and that it wsan't just an allegory for the worst case as it sometimes seems (especially when you are on alkoloids).

why would he do a reveal of it all if he didn't somehow want it all to end and be over with?

so it was then a death wish for even himself.


Yes, he was a complex guy. And there is a scene in a documentary of him where he is accosted by fans in LA and he just cowers there, small, against the brick in front of the Land Shark where he'd parked, terrified of the attention.


Well, ya, he's def a troubling character.

Anonymous ID: ff3fee March 14, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.8413408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3516


I've thought a lot about that, anon.

Seems like these people have been driven to create fake narrative. Why wouldn't they create a lot of 'artifacts' and then have their people find them. Also, it would be their people 'authenticating' the artifacts too.

some of the curious things that I've seen in a mueseum seem far fetched to have survived 3000 years.

How do we really know how old stone or gold is? we can't carbon date it.

Anonymous ID: ff3fee March 14, 2020, 8:10 a.m. No.8413481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579



how can someone gather data undercover with out at least pretending to be as bad as the ones in the infiltrated group?

For that reason alone one should suspend condemnation of these very public journalistic figures. If we are a court, then, of course we must do what courts will do.

but for a random anon to say they know for certain about people who they really don't know at all . . . is always troubling to me.

why can they not understand that History is full of people who had to walk amoung the bad ones so that they could gather enough intelligence to mitigate the problem?

sometimes mitigation is understanding 'these pepole are only trying to survive, we'll give them a fair shake, and they will stop their pirating ways'

other times no amount of mitigation matters, people are just rotton.

that seems to be what has happened within very many ranks of very many organizations, at the heads of them.


People like Hunter were always 'see . . . look at this'. He was like the 'checkem' of the 1970s about governmental corruption. He'd point his finger right at it.