Anonymous ID: 0f0c52 March 14, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8414556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4586 >>4624


why you keep pimpping this face?

you obviously find him gorgious and manly-enough for your purposes? Why ruin him by shopping his young too-stupid-to-know better beauty out to all the craven shill people?


you're not a person who loves anyone. Even a boy like that needs guidance, but you use him, you shame him, you make him into your object to humilate and post porn-shopped pictures.


Someday he'll be able to grow facial hair too, and you'll really wish he was someone in your life, but he'll be gone for you. You'll be lonely. He'll be free of you.

PS: he's not Q.

Anonymous ID: 0f0c52 March 14, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.8414625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4645

is there a website equivalent to porn-hub called 'shill-hub'?

it's now a public domain name.

so did the mini-q freddie's boy fake-pre-Qbescent shill come from a bod-caster on shill-hub.wet?


He can't be Q he's almost preQbescent.



looks like he's been awake for a few days. Maybe he should be tested for meth use?

look it, the kid gets off the drugs, starts to get real History and News, gets a few days of rest, gets let go by the cult that runs him, he might be a good right hand man kind of guy, and you could benefit from his ernestness.

so ya, pray for him. Don't hate him. He's a product of those who made him. They only let them through if they make the bad choices. You say 'no' to them once and they shut the door on your forever.

That's the hungr games that breed-to-be type has to endure. Including close people who were pushed off the buss into heavy traffic as a demonstration.


yes, prayer.

and tomorrow, the Ides Of March, is a day for it.