Anonymous ID: 217996 March 14, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.8414021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8413768 pb

or lets be logical

bars; lame find some nature shit to do bring some friends they cant stop you

sports, most of us know are fake anyway unless your climbing a mountain. golf is not a sport.

i just bought plenty of toilet paper. it still exists.

theres not going to be large scale riots. (chicago and detroit maybe because theyve already been in hell x murders every nth weekend)

theres not going to be any riots outside of places you would expect them over less. i specifically warned people that [they] would be wanting and paying / promoting a riot later on and no one is with it. antifa is out of steam. the underground is strong as ever but smarter than these idiots think. the country is jaded yo. (portland etc dif story)


now getting into subverting an election later on…or some foreign element boots on ground.

the U.N. knows they are not welcome on this ground in any official capacity like that if thats what anyones thinking either. china doesnt have the balls to do it like that. theyre too arrogant.


im hoping the vast majority here are aware they are being lied to and played.


Trump wouldnt even have a reason to back track the election like im getting rumors of. not commenting anything in either direction, Stand with POTUS as always, Commander in Chief, but there is no blue candidate that stands even a fighting chance at winning. Theres just no taker not like that. the democrats are already over and its not even close to that "time" yet.