Anonymous ID: 8f48b3 March 14, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.8414336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370 >>4567 >>4579


Been thinking about this douche and noticed something. Way back when EyetheSpy first appeared on twatter, I followed him just out of curiosity. Some anons here may have done the same, and may remember when he claimed to have gotten shot "by bad guys". He then posted some pictures of himself in his hospital bed as "proof", with his face blurred. It has occurred to me that the hair color and style plus the body type seen in those pics match this Austin goober. No idea what current status of ETS is now (he blocked me after I called him out on "No outside comms"), but I'd be willing to bet cash money this guy is ETS. Just a gut feeling. Maybe someone who is more current on ETS' status can debunk me. Just a thought.