Anonymous ID: d759d8 March 14, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.8414048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4200



Rig For Red

Was Rig For Red [Their] CV Plan?


Q 3574 Nov 2 2019


(all CAPS)


CV- First identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in late December 2019


Q 3891

Nothing can stop what is coming.


Rig for Red.


(Not Caps–Q alerting Patriots, trolling the DS, they lost ALL control)


Anon noted initial Rig for Red was month (Nov) prior to CV being announced in China (Dec) Q likely knew when China knew in Nov.

'Was CV rigged for tests to give false positives?


[Flashback] Bolton eliminated pandemic response team. [DS Op]

John Bolton Disbanded Global Team in Charge of Pandemic …


Headlines of Links below:

–Are Coronavirus Tests Accurate?

–Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Kits are Broken in America …

–Are coronavirus tests flawed?

–Some coronavirus test kits shipped to states are flawed: CDC


CV was DS Op and was from the beginning


Rigged for Red to give false results, and perhaps rigged for the [Reds] benefit (global deep state commies.)


Rigged for Red also a Goal Of same DS Op to crash the financial and economic systems of the world. [red]=financial losses.


Anon here thinks Potus and Q knew all along (recall Boltons actions) and told us later with Q 3574 Nov. 2 2019. Rig For Red


The Counter Moves

Q 2961 Game Theory:

Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to open the front door?

'War-like' Posture Activated?

Thank you for playing.



1-Q/Potus knew Plan and activated Bolton to disband Pandemic Response Team. Was a Exec branch entity operating out of WH [Not Good] Imagine collusion w/PRT & MSM usurping Potus control of National Emergencies Act and the 470 powers given to Potus [Hostage] Potus by [Them]

2-Plan was imminant and activated by DS so PANIC set in, we took Op from them to mitigate and contain. DS SOS signal sent when [THEY] downed corona CA plane (7/10) they lost control.

3-A few days later Potus confirms PANIC, Patriots now in Control, by halting travel to/from China.

4-Just like all their failures Mueller, Ukranine call/Schifty making it up/ potus released prior, Impeachment they lost secure comms are compartmentalized so assets continue plans narrative.

5-Potus/Q use their narrative to boomerang them, control Fed (lower rates), and NEA to engage in full takedown of rogue local govs, etc. [GS].

6-Potus now has every power a President can have to commence the GA PLAN!

Anonymous ID: d759d8 March 14, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.8414200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q 3574 RIG FOR RED(s)

Global Communism

Q 3891 Rig for Red.

Patriots Boomerang



sometimes overlooked is that The US allowed the Bolsheviks to overtake China, was not internal was external.

President of the US makes ultimate determination as to what government will be recognized.

With the help of [their] Global Groups and MSM, and influence/power of US politics The US President ans State Dept. recognized the Bolsheviks and CCP as the legitimate Gov. in China

They did not have substantial Power, we Gave it to [THEM]. We let Them take over China at a time Bolsheviks who organized the CCP had a small amount of power, the Power they had was US Military Might, that The Dynasty could not counter.

It is similar to [Their] Plan today in Venezuela that Potus is not cooperating with Militarily. They took a no name literally to overthrow Maduro…

Trump Recognizes Juan Guaido as Venezuela President…

If Potus used Mil Power they would likely get their way.

Anonymous ID: d759d8 March 14, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.8414423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Potus Speech


We are focusing (our [GS] takedowns) in the Hotspots, some areas we have no problems…


Over the last 24 hrs the press has been fair, very fair for the most part..

Good because the 470 powers granted under the N.E.A. contain the means for Potus to take over media