Anonymous ID: fabf19 March 14, 2020, 10:04 a.m. No.8414433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4466

>be the deep state

>need a way to hurt Trump's reelection chances so they can take power back

>be China

>also need a way to hurt Trump's reelection chances so they can go back to the status quo

>deep state comes up with a plan that a pandemic would hurt the economy, which they have wanted for months to hurt Trump's reelection

>work with China to release the Corona Virus in Wuhan from the Wuhan Institute of Virology where they have been researching it

>spreads in China but China doesn't care about its citizens so they let it get worse

>spreads to many other countries including the USA

>civilian casualties are just collateral damage

>deep state gets the MSM to spread panic and disinfo, scaring traders and investors causing a panic-induced sell off and other organizations to shut things down out of hysterical hype

>economy looks bad, hurts Trump's reelection

>BUT IN THE USA: people are getting better, barely any deaths except old people in nursing homes, stocks are making a come back, economy is solid fundamentally, and Trump did a good job of reacting to the spread

>after a week or two of very few deaths and containment, this will be seen as another media-deep state psyop like impeachment

Anonymous ID: fabf19 March 14, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.8414466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4476 >>4570


This was an attack ON the plan, not part of it.

But Q+ was prepared and reacted effectively.

The retards who are saying "haha this is a white hat operation and part of the plan" are so fucking stupid it hurts.