The CIA readingroom requires the https:// part of the URL. If you don't include that, and remove the space after t before pressing ENTER, it won't work.
The CIA readingroom requires the https:// part of the URL. If you don't include that, and remove the space after t before pressing ENTER, it won't work.
Could he be like Flynn, taking one for the team to establish Jared's cover so that we could get the hard evidence that will destroy the cabal once and for all?
Golub is Russian for pigeon
What if it was a private club and only members were allowed in?
Or guests accompanying members?
And what if the membership agreement had a clause consenting to recording?
And what if the stupid people did not read the fine print?
Would it hold up in a court of law
When a lawyer argues that he did not read the fine print
And so the contract should be void?
Laser audio surveillance?
Or, could there be some laser comms link? You can run the equivalent of fiber optic connectivity through the air. And then you might be able to communicate about stocks to buy/sell without any official records of the communication, which is highly illegal in the USA. Even hand signals and a telescope would be illegal
They published Superman who was the very first of the comic superheroes and was invented in the 1930s by 2 Jewish guys as a thinly veiled Messiah character.
It is now obvious that all of these superheroes follow roughly the same model and teach young men how to act like stupid careless idiots and get themselves killed if they are ever in any military action. The army (and others) try to train this out of them, but they only partially succeed. If you disagree with me, go to the top of a skyscraper and jump off like Superman does, or most any superhero. Have a friend waiting on the ground to take a photo of your safe landing.
Remember, the Illuminati do not just control just Hollywood film but much related entertainment as well. This includes music, comics and even top selling books. They all paint a distorted and warped picture of reality to create a state of chaos and confusion in the audience.