I posted this at q research last bread before I saw there was a dedicated board to this. Look up Carolyn Hamlett. Website is beyondthephysicalrealm.com. She was a SRA survivor and a bloodline server in what she calls The Plan. Basically it’s about satan deceiving people. She has actually written a book that is free in pdf form. I haven’t read it yet. I grew up in the church and I grew up knowing the truth about satan and the deception that is coming. So what she talks about doesn’t surprise me but I never knew it was actively going on in America. She talks a lot about Lucis Trust and the ascended masters.
I know that “Lucis Trust” was actually “Lucifer Trust” in the beginning. I wonder if this building is portal where satan can be summoned. Maybe he is the originator for the 4am drops. I’ve known about the Lucis Trust company for years. Madame B’s writings were given to her by the Ascended Masters who are really demons. This is all a push for new age garbage.
I think you may be on to something
I dropped a website a few days ago that has a lot of information on these things. No one seemed to care. Carolyn Hamlett goes into deep detail about these issues on her website, beyondthephysicalrealm.com. She was a bloodline server of “The Plan” as she calls it or the Illuminati as we would call it. Satan is real and he has convinced millions that he is greater than God and the Bible is a lie.
I absolutely agree with you. Satan must bow at the name of Jesus. We have authority through the Word of God over any power or principality. Maybe that is why Kushner bought it. Who knows. I won’t judge his relationship with God. But I DO NOT think he is a bad person or even the Antichrist like some have suggested.
I wouldn’t have mentioned Carolyn Hamlett again unless I really thought it was important. I was actually scared to even bring it up. I know that God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear but I am still a human. She is a Christian now but she was part of the satanic world. But she had no idea Satan was part of it. Her family had been part of it for many generations. She knows all about ritual abuse, handlers, and demons. It really blew my mind. I’m glad I was already firm in my beliefs as born again Bible believing Christian. All she says ties into Alice Bailey and Lucis Trust.
That has got to mean something
Well that’s no coincidence…..sounds like Arkancide
I just believe there is some sort of portal there. Too many coincidences to not be….
My opinion is that something evil has gone on in that building and the proof remains somewhere inside. Now….how can we find out? Unless people start talking, I can’t see a way to prove anything. I’ve been digging since VIP anon first posted about this. But I just can’t find any answers.
I did see that post. I can’t look now but I’ll give them a look tonight. I do my best research at night, distraction free.
Maybe that vault has hidden papers in it from Lucis (Lucifer) Trust. From what I’ve read, Madame B. was in touch with the “Ascended Masters” as they call them but they are really demons and she and Alice Bailey put what they were told into documents and books. I wonder if maybe there is some unreleased papers that contain the plan for bringing order out of chaos. I learned a lot about this plan from following Carolyn Hamlett’s website Beyond The Physical Realm. She was a member of a bloodline server family who was high in rank with these folks. Her story gets kinda crazy but I believe her. She left the group and chose to follow Jesus.
Oh my goodness! I bet anything that there are some books/documents at the 666 building. Maybe there are still fallen angels that can b summoned there. Who knows?
That caught my eye as well.
The heart attack was no coincidence imho
I sure wish VIP anon would visit this board and give us some more information.
Well that’s interesting. I know Masonic Temples are evil. I refuse to enter one, even when friends of mine have had parties there.
Have y’all seen the new commercial for iPhone pay? It says you can pay with just a glance. It shows the clothes and other items just jumping off the shelves.