When researching foundations I always check this page
https:// isgp-studies.com/ngo-list-foundations-and-think-tanks-worldwide
"https:// isgp-studies.com/ngo-list-foundations-and-think-tanks-worldwide'
I thought I would check out if the 'Valdamar Valerian' materials ever mentioned the Lucis Trust. I'm sure you can guess the answer…
https:// archive.org/stream/MATRIXVQuestOfTheSpiritTheUltimateFrontierTheCodeToTheMatrix/Valdamar%20Valerian/MATRIX%20V%20-%20Quest%20of%20the%20Spirit%20-%20The%20Ultimate%20Frontier%20-%20The%20Code%20to%20the%20Matrix_djvu.txt
Reason 69: Rare images of a Sundog, the view of our Binary Sun sometimes even appearing as
three suns. These are government facilities fully staffed located far away from civilization on the
poles which are the only places you can see this phenomena . These places don’t get visitors often
and if they do they are not civilians .
With this arsenal Thule hatched a deeper plan in conjunction with the Paranormal Division of
the Third Reich. Deros, their contact who wrote the new Emerald Tables of Thoth, dwelled in the
underground city of Agharta. The Paranormal Division was said to receive more funding than Hitler’s
total Armament Division due to its importance to the Reich. They lay burdened with the task of
gathering all the powerful Shrines from around the world which eventually ended up in the vaults of
the British Museum. Those who have done study on holy artifacts will note that most of them are in
the British Museum, not in their original place of origin, they won’t allow it. Many of these objects do
strange things when placed back on their corresponding leylines. It is known you can only get into the
vaults of the British Museum if you are a member of The Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn was a
Society setup by Thule in which Aliester Crowley was made head of, he had Frater Achad as his
apprentice. Crowley and Mathers were always in competition with one another, this is how Blavatsky
penned them against each other to broaden their potential. These two Adepts birthed the greatest
horrors mankind has witnessed in this era. Many of their works were published by Blavatsky’s Lucis
Trust, again another obvious clue she was part of the Luciferian agenda.