Bloodlineanon (Hapsburg-Lorraine family>Crown Prince Rudolf>Adolf Hitler>Angela Merkel) here who was already thinking along the lines of a TRUST and REAL ESTATE because the law is symbolized openly in the portraits also (have not posted those images yet). Divine Right to Rule is based off of ancient laws, whether we look at Mosaic Law, Pharoanic Law, or even Babylonian Law (Hammurabi’s Code). All of these laws were WRITTEN IN STONE for a reason, as evidenced by the fact that we can still physically read them today. These laws were the precursors to Roman Law, which led to Common Law, which led to our laws today. The world has changed, but the Trust law barely did (eg Primogeniture Law). Just because there have been wars does not mean that those skirmishes just ‘erase’ the laws, like legal documents=treaties. We have been taught that the monarchs just ‘went away,’ but they didn’t just ‘go away’ and neither did their titles of inheritance to land and whatnot. I am sure that someone who worked the upper-eschons of Real Estate figured out pretty quickly about trust law and real estate law being written in stone.