>What law firms rent out office space in the building?
Found these so far:
Schiff Hardin - schiffhardin.com/offices/new-york
Akerman LLP - akerman.com/en/firm/offices/new-york.html
Vinson & Elkins LLP - velaw.com/Where-we-are/New-York/
Phillips Nizer left - therealdeal.com/2017/09/12/law-firm-is-leaving-666-fifth-for-sl-greens-485-lex/
>Why is this important?
>How are they connected to POTUS? JK?
>Who is connected to Paul Manafort? How? Why?
>How is George Soros connected? Hong Kong? What is he trying to do in New York? Why?
Need some insights from anons about this.
>Which firm is related to Theranos & Elizabeth Holmes?
Seeing these two names but they may not be at 666:
Boies Schiller and Cooley LLP
(David Boies was also the lawyer who tried to stop revelations about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment.)