DC Comics was a former tenant of the 666 5th Ave. building.
I've found some interesting items regarding DC Comics-basically, they've hated DJT for a long time and had a comic of him well before he became POTUS His character was named MODAAK (see graphic)
https ://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/nov/08/the-cartoon-president-trump-has-wielded-power-in-comics-for-years
Since becoming President, DC comics has increased their hate for DJT in their comics. They even created a female muslim character (I think probably referencing Huma) See Graphic
https ://www.newsarama.com/35788-dc-s-legends-of-tomorrow-s-new-muslim-superhero-a-response-to-trump.html
Many of their comics have the same wording that we've seen used by the bad guys. This leads me to believe that they're CIA ops.