Oldfag Conspiratard here.
Visit these links and CTRL + F "LUCENT"
This was written about 20 years ago by Texe Marrs.
http:// www.universe-people.com/english/svetelna_knihovna/htm/en/en_kniha_project_lucid.htm
http:// citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Also note, the OP Mentions RUSSO of Alcatel0Lucent. That's Patricia Russo.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Russo
Is she related to the late Aaron Russo? Cousins, perhaps?
Vid related. Start at about 2:19
TLDW Summary:
> Aaron Russo, son of a rich jewish NYC family
> Makes documentaries liked by Rockefellers
> 11 years ahead of time, was warned about 9/11 and "the plan"
> Ultimate goal is one world order
> Establish the AMERO
> Global financial slavery
> Microchipped population
> All $$ to be in chips
> All ID to be in chips
> Russo heard this plan straight from Rockefeller
>Total slavery: If gov't doesn't like you, they remove $$ from your chip
> If govt likes you, they add to your chip (like in China with their social credits)
> If you protest the chip, they turn it off, no buying and selling for you
> Total control of the people
> Women's liberation was a SCAM
> Feminism is a SCAM
> Rockefellers funded it
> 2 Reasons for this
> One, can't tax half the population if they stay at home
>Two, get kids into school younger for better indoctrination, break up family, kids look at state as their family
>This country is run by evil forces, we better wake up
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAaPjqdbgQ