Anonymous ID: fb8eb9 March 31, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.853682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3968 >>3995 >>4599

Re-reading the insider posts after sleeping on it. If I understand correctly:


1.The biggest reason that Kushner/Trump bought the building was to have the video/audio on "the masters of the universe" that met there.

The secondary benefit was to impede development of The Mark of the Beast, which had been worked on there for a long time, and to prevent The Mark from getting into China's hands. This, plus Hillary losing the election, is the primary reason that The Mark has not already started to be rolled out.


2.The key for us to figure out is: Who is connected to both Lucent Tech & Lucis Trust & 666 Fifth Ave.

Attached is a pic of a one-page 1968 PDF that is supposed to contain the answer, and here is the link:


3.After that, the other subtopics that will be easier to dig into, and will all connect:

Plans to implement The Mark in Europe

The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

The poisoning of intelligence agent Sergei Skripal

5G, RFID implants, NFC Pay, AT&T, Alcatel, Nokia, China Mobile, Lithium batteries

Manafort, Theranos, Sonoma Pharma,

Soros, Cadre, the Wolf of Wall Street, the law firms in the building

Smart cities, cloud mind-control, Charles Walton's patent.


As we make process on digging, a visual chart or web should be created to keep track of how it all connects, and what still needs to be researched.


In the CIA doc, there are lots of names, organizations, and titles mentioned in that one page. The few that stick out to me are:

The Temple of Understanding Inc, Allen Dulles, JFK, Robert Kennedy, Robert McNamara


Full list:

CIA, National Student Association, United Federation of Teachers, Ford Foundation, McGeorge Bundy, Kennedy Administration, William H. Donner Foundation, American Foreign Service Association, The Temple of Understanding Inc, Head of World Bank Robert McNamara, Marietta Peabody Tree, Endicott Peabody, Secretary of Defense, Governor of Massachusetts, Rep to United Nations, Ambassador Adlai Stevenson, Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, UN Plaza, Joseph Esrey Johnson, Sprague Committee, Director of CIA Allen Dulles, Director of US Information Agency George Allen, Gordon Gray, CD Jackson, Carnegie Corporation Chairman Morris Hadley, Tesasurer of the Rubicon Foundation, President John Kennedy, Director of Public Relations for JFK - William Brubeck, Robert Kennedy, Roy Gootenburg, Otto F. Otepka, Senate Internal Security Committee, President of the Donner Foundation Franklyn Johnson, Reid Educational Foundation, Evron M. Kirkpatrick, Max Kampelman, American Political Science Association, Operations and Policy Research Inc