Anonymous ID: ed0111 March 14, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8415158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5211


>buy stocks now.

Sure thing. Let me just dip into my imaginary pile of cash that doesn't exist because the very real corrupt government and greedy corporations fucked everyone's lives over for the last century to the point where we've all just been slowly dying just trying to stay alive. Hey. I got a idea. Why don't you all just team up and tell me it's all my fault for not getting paid a fraction of a decent wage for the work I do, like every single boomer ever to walk the Earth, so you all can feel better about the things you were able to earn when life wasn't a complete pile of shit for the youth of America. I'd love to hear that one, again, for the gorillionth time…