Anonymous ID: 753592 March 14, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.8415584   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yehud Medinata (Aramaic for the State of Judah/Jews), or simply Yehud, was an autonomous state of the Persian Achaemenid Empire,

roughly equivalent to the older kingdom of Judah but covering a smaller area, within the satrapy of Eber-Nari. The area of Yehud

Medinata corresponded to the previous Babylonian province of Yehud, which was formed after the fall of the kingdom of Judah to

the Neo-Babylonian Empire (c.597 after its conquest of the Mediterranean east coast, and again in 585/6 BCE after suppressing an

unsuccessful Judean revolt). Yehud Medinata continued to exist for two centuries, until being incorporated into the Hellenistic

empires following the conquests of Alexander the Great.


Aryan- c.1600, as a term in classical history, from Latin Arianus, Ariana, from Greek Aria, Areia, names applied in classical times to the eastern part of ancient Persia and to its inhabitants. Ancient Persians used the name in reference to themselves (Old Persian ariya-), hence Iran. Ultimately from Sanskrit arya- "compatriot;" in later language "noble, of good family." Also the name Sanskrit-speaking invaders of India gave themselves in the ancient texts. linked with German Ehre "honor, glory"


>Jacob(IsRaEl) hates Esau