Anonymous ID: 7fcfa7 March 14, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.8416020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6108 >>6157 >>6167


>In 2018, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on “Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility,” which sets the administration’s direction on creating more self-sufficiency and working toward moving people into the workforce and out of poverty.


Hey admin. I never went on food stamps or unemployment. But I'm still being fucked the fuck over by years of fucking fuckery. Are you guys going to do anything to get people who've tried their damnedest to keep afloat amidst all the bull shit, corruption, greed, abuse of fucking power, etc. out of poverty? Cause right now, my life's been significantly fucking worse, since not only do I have to deal with all the bull shit that was piled on top of me from past fuckery, but I've been working for free to help fight fake fucks at "the news", who get paid millions to brainwash the masses, all throughout the "great awakening", which has been pretty much a dud, thus far, especially since we have to keep lying to fucking people, cause muh misinformation is apparently fucking necessary…


Any fucking time, now. I've only been getting fucked with for over a quarter of a fucking century by retards and greedy bastards. Great, y'all keep trying to help, but you clearly have no fucking clue just how much fucking bull shit some of us have had to deal with in life. I guess I'll just shut now, so a bunch of rich people can rush in to claim all the limited benefits, before those who actually need a real fucking boost. So, fucking sick of this bull shit. I'm going to literally have to sue the fuck out of the government to get my fucking freedom back. Which obviously won't work because I have no fucking money, and our courts are still fucking run by greedy faggots who are trying to save their own asses instead of upholding the Constitution

Anonymous ID: 7fcfa7 March 14, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.8416169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is what happens when you teach people lies like fucking "evolution" via "natural selection".


Dumb fucks actually think that money makes them "fit" and TP is critical for fucking "survival". Can't shit if you don't eat, morans