Anonymous ID: 2be8dd March 14, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.8416604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6657

can anons speculate if you think Potus is bypassing Fed and how? Did JFK need congress to ok his issuance and distribution of US notes?

This is the AbSOLUTE keystone anons so please read and comment


JFK most certainly did bypass but how and I have some US notes he issued so my

guess is yes, it would not be often used because the FED likely got rid of JFK for doing just that'''


A theory on how Potus is protecting stock market crash by elites, and generating money for the Treasury in the process


I would look at using the powers of the ETF exchange stabilization fund to buy the entire market spectrum, the bad companies can be propped also and management can be changed (we see that going on).

Not sure how the mechanism works exactly, but the cash yield on the Market as a whole is higher than the payment on Long Term Fed Treasuries, so even if Treasury has to use fed, and pay them interest, the spread is likely over 1%.

So if Potus has done this then injecting a trillion into the market will generate 10 billlion cash flow per year. Perhaps the ESF or Treasury has an emergency mechanism available (that no presidents have used prolly because the Fed has controlled them and when JFK bypassed them with issuing US Notes, we know what occured to end that plan)

that they can even use to bypass fed entirely and recoup the yield a treasury would ordinarily pay T-the Note buyers.

ESF has been used heavily during Potus admin.


Any FinFags care to add crumbs here, it seems logical. The key would be to bypass congress which ESF may be able to do.

I would love to learn more about the Potus rights to bypass Fed.

Anonymous ID: 2be8dd March 14, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.8416653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6708 >>6789


It may also have to do with things we do not know/understand.

The adreno is physical.


Researchers have found that upon conception a burst of energy is emitted (in a waveform, light or someway likely not electromagentic (not physical matter emissions).

This could be the establishment of a form of quantum entanglement with God/our creator

Quantum entanglement is faster than light, perhaps instantaneous, and is hard to comprehend, but it exists and is being studied.


So the ritual thing could be affecting other dimensions that we are not publically aware of.

Anonymous ID: 2be8dd March 14, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.8416705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6723


will add i am a statistics fag by interest, not education and god has saved me enough times that there are no coincidences.

part of the reason the Plan and GA is so important to me, and why i respect anons and patriots so much!

i want to do my part to leave the world a better place then when i arrived. alot of catching up to do in many respects.

Anonymous ID: 2be8dd March 14, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.8416787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6847

Was one goal of CV for Global ID chips for the World?- timelines and players fit


Bill Gates busted conspiring with his Globalist pals?

Using CV for ID 2020- Forced Identity Chips [THEY] control


He was a MAJOR pusher of Global 2020- Digital ID implants


2018- The world needs to prepare for pandemics just like war


2018- Bill Gates has a warning about population growth


2018- "Millions Could Die" If US Doesn't Prepare For Coming Pandemic


2019- Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak


Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak


2020- How we should respond to Coronavirus, according to Bill Gates


OK Bill Population Control- You go First

Anonymous ID: 2be8dd March 14, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.8416868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Quantum entanglement is extradimensional in many ways.

Reading about it makes one realize we very well may be in a electromagnetic matrix.

[They] may know all about hidden things, and some say the pineal gland is like wifi to other dimensionality, so while they may gain adrenaline, they very well may be getting some type of quantum stuff.

The powers apparently deactivate our pineal glands upon birth, vaccines, etc. They do cut our link to likely the energy established aqt the moment of conception.


In other words they are cutting off our comms with our creator and maybe stealing our bandwidth and router via ritual murder, and a infant without sin taken during abortion will be valuable in theory.