Anonymous ID: 845318 March 14, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.8416272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6375 >>6418 >>6664

>>8416167 (lb)

>You may have to move for work,

Unfortunately, moving costs money. So, when you don't have any money…


Forcing people into slavery,

>an America tradition.


Besides. I'm not fucking screwed from not being able to work. I'm fucking screwed by governments who go on power trips and strip people of basic human rights, and place indefinite restrictions, that seriously impact one's ability to transport themselves to or from said "job", until several thousands MOAR dollars are paid to said corrupt government, who constantly change laws that continue to screw moar and moar people over, while giving the faggot governments moar and moar power and fucking immunity

Anonymous ID: 845318 March 14, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8416563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6575


>You can move for about 5 grand with a uhaul.

Ideally. Sure. But when you have $20 to your name, and 5 grand is less than what you make in a year, that becomes incredibly difficult. Especially when, as I said, the faggot government places indefinite restrictions on one's mobility, then yeah. Truly impossible.


Trust me. I'd love to put a change of clothes on a stick and hop on a train to find work out west or some shit. But when those same faggot governments fine people out the fucking ass for imaginary "crimes", and continue to dump moar and moar fines on top, thereby preventing one's ability to further their education, that everyone is now expected to promise away whole arms and legs for said education, the difficulty increases. Then, when someone actually does have money to apply to an actual university (which I already know teach bull shit and lies, that have no basis in reality), all the seats go to foreign exchange students and minorities, because said corrupt institutions get moneies from said faggot governments to promote "diversity", at the tax payer's (and future generations') expense.

Anonymous ID: 845318 March 14, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.8416703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911


Fuck you, piece of shit.

My state is one of few who waived citizens rights on pharmaceutical matters, for example. Is thart my fucking fault? Fuck you. No. I've tried explaining that for two decades now. Retards like yourself were the ones to say that vicoden was safe because doctors prescribed it.


Just one fucking example. We're here to fight centuries worth of abuses of powers. And here you are, like an absolute retard, trying to defend their corruption, and blame it on everyone else but the fucking guilty. You should hang for your ignorance, faggot, with the rest of the pieces of shit who exploit humanity for what little bit of faggot shekels you are allowed to have. Burn in fucking hell, faggot


p.s. I weigh less than 130lbs, dumb fuck. Stop projecting your obesity on others

Anonymous ID: 845318 March 14, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.8416959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bitch, you make the claim.

Come to my door and validate that I' a fat piece of shit. I'll wait, mother fucker. If that's the best you fucking got, you better bring some friends, faggot.

I may not weigh much, but I've had to fight for every goddam thing I have in life, including life itself. Bring it the fuck on if you want some