Anonymous ID: afefd1 March 14, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.8416316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6389


>Kentler -burn


Foreword from the educational book “Zeig Mal!” ("Show Me!") (Wuppertal 1974, no longer available)

THE IDEA that sexuality is nothing more than one drive, which ensures reproduction, is still widespread, even though anyone who holds an unbiased view realizes that people of all ages respond sexually, and that only a tiny fraction of all sexual conduct is directed towards procreation.

The one who merely opens his eyes and looks, does not recognize reality; he only gets his own preconceptions confirmed. Everyone finds only what he seeks, and seeks what he already knows. The question of what sex is in fact, must be preceded by an explanation as to why we are really so keen to equate sexuality with reproduction, and to deny that children and old people also need sexual gratification.


Scientific research has, in the last decades, rediscovered and evaluated evidence from numerous sources, showing that in Central Europe through the 17th century a pro-sexual attitude prevailed that today – despite a liberalizing trend – would be seen as alien and dangerous and its revival prevented at all costs. J. van Ussel, one of the best authorities on pro-sexual manners and customs of that time, gives the following sketch:

“It was generally accepted that the satisfaction of the sex drive was necessary for good health. In some cities, brothels were set up by the authorities. Physicality was practiced in a way that we have forgotten today. People commonly touch, caress, hug and kiss; nurses and parents masturbate young children, to calm them. Older people have contact with young people that we would today call sexual. This self-satisfaction begins to be fought only at the start of the 18th Century by doctors and later by many clergy. Premarital and extramarital sexual relations are mainstreamed. Insufficient contraception (birth control) is condemned by the churches. The rulers and the aristocracy practice promiscuity, which is hardly ever criticized. Students and soldiers do what they please. The clergy are not exactly celibate. At home folks sleep naked, the whole family and the employees together in one room. Even in the bath house you’re naked. On ceremonial occasions the prettiest girls in the city are naked on display. A rich vocabulary for the sexual is available. The young people do not need sex education because they see the world of adults, experiencing and learning what they need to know.” 1

As a matter of course young children already knew sexual facts; this appears most clearly from a collection of dialogues, written in Latin by Erasmus of Rotterdam and published in 1522, dedicated to his then six-year-old godson. The title indicates the intention of the book: “Dialogues, not only compiled to refine the Latin of the children, but above all for the purpose of education for life.”

  • see much moar in link!

Anonymous ID: afefd1 March 14, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.8416374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6467


Pedophiles and the Green Party!

“ The discussion of pedophilia in politics has had a strange history in Germany. The country’s Green Party is now mainly associated with environmentalist policies, but there is an ugly chapter in its history that has recently been brought back into the spotlight.

The Greens were founded back in the 1980s in response to the placement of US nuclear weapons on West German soil. This new political party was comprised of several different groups who opposed nuclear energy including pacifists, feminists, environmentalists, and, unfortunately, pedophiles.

It’s hard to imagine a pro-pedophilia party gaining any kind of traction in mainstream politics today, but in the 1980s there was a faction of the Green Party ( “BAG SchwuP”) that actively sought to legalize sex with children, as long as there was no coercion or violence involved. Party archives have revealed pamphlets and memos depicting children in a sexualized manner, as well as a record of several thousand Deutschmarks in funding paid directly from the Greens to the pedophilia group.


Although no laws were actually changed, the Green Party has been accused of helping to create an atmosphere that normalized sexual relations with children. After some severe backlash resulting from a horrific crime involving a Green Party politician in 1985, as well as outrage expressed by homosexuals in the party who did not want to be associated with pedophiles, BAG SchwuP started to fade out until their influence faded away completely.”