Anonymous ID: bfbc17 March 14, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.8416550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons if you have time listen to this, great interview and in-depth analysis of why Trump. Very inspiring and realistic understand how Trump has succeeded where others could not, his love for the common man and all mankind!


The one thing I would request is that we all change the outcome of Victor Davis Hanson’s analysis is that Trump will end up a “tragic hero”, unwanted, unappreciated and unloved after leaving office. We need to change classical history that finally in this Age of Enlightenment our hero President Donald J. Trump is a hero to all people throughout all human history. We can’t let this prognostication from classical history stand, we love and will always love our president


Victor Davis Hanson on “The Case For Trump



Published on May 6, 2019

Recorded on April 1, 2019.


How did blue-collar voters connect with a millionaire from Queens in the 2016 election? Martin and Illie Anderson Senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson addresses that question and more in his newly released book, The Case for Trump. He sits down with Peter Robinson to chat about his motivation to write a book making a rational case for those voters who chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.


Hanson and Robinson, the Murdoch Distinguished Policy Fellow, discuss how voters connected with Trump’s “personal authenticity” during the campaign and how the media has a “historical amnesia” of the bad behavior of past presidents when talking about President Trump. The president, Hanson argues, was always an outsider from elite society in Manhattan, which helped him to better to connect with voters who felt like outsiders. He analyzes President Trump’s platform agenda, which was composed 80% of traditionally conservative views with the remaining 20% being radical ideas that fit with many of the views of the midwestern states. He breaks down why, in the end, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich didn’t appeal to voters in the way that Trump managed to.