Anonymous ID: 5e92b1 March 14, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.8417290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7314


>This baked my noodle:

The Greek language is not random…

It is built on mathematics, and even very few know that every word in the Greek has a mathematical background.

The letters in the Greek language are not sterile symbols. Upright, upside down, with special intonation, were the total of the 1620 symbols used in Harmony (Music in New Greek).

Their most important property is that each letter has a numerical value/amount, each letter is a number, so by extension, every word is a number.

A vast knowledge, locked-coded into the words, because of the mathematical quotations they have. One of the pioneers in this area constituted the great Pythagoras.


The idea that the Words are encoded with alphanumeric meaning, so that each Greek Word can be deciphered numerically as representing the idea the word is describing, Omikron for example:

“ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ” (OMIKRON, ‘O’) = 70 +40 +10 +20 +100 +70 +50 = 360, as many as the degrees of the circle ( O ).