Anonymous ID: 8da323 March 14, 2020, 2:34 p.m. No.8417005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There’s an old topic that has had a resurgence of late. If an uniformed person were to be told of this chemical, and where in theory, it’s sourced from….and how it’s sourced…they would either not want to hear about or strongly disbelieve that it exists. The cognitive dissonance would be off the charts. In short, their naïve view of the world would not permit such a thing.


I’m not going to spell it out. Those who have been here should be able to see why I have posted this video. I found said video because I’m convinced I’m in the process of sickness due to the foods and environment having an adverse affect on my gut, if you will. I plan on doing further research and hope one day to afford the products that people say bring improvements to their digestive health.


That said, when I heard what I heard – START AROUND THE 19:30sec MARK. Listen to what he says! He’s talking about effects of farming….he’s NOT talking about what I’m talking about.


But if you’re tuned into what’s discussed here, it should jump out at you.


Again….19 minute – 30 second start point, if you don’t want to start earlier to listen to what, I believe, is a very informative video.


Let me know what you hear. Again, it’s an ANALOGY, but my ears popped when I heard it.


tl:dr – watch attached video at 19:30 mark and tell me if it reminds you of anything we discuss here.

Anonymous ID: 8da323 March 14, 2020, 2:43 p.m. No.8417064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7178


33 thousand votes shy of being Gubner! And with affirmative action, plus soros' cash and the fake news push…..dude was headed to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Slick Willie was getting his pipe sucked.

Gillum would have been sucking pipe….er pipes. One with meth the other with "those who stock submarines"




but, but, but I was at a wedding!