Anonymous ID: c3f2e8 March 14, 2020, 3 p.m. No.8417210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Finally, Q , question means to question everything.

I think that is the meaning of Q. Everything we know is wrong. The governments, the church all lied to us.

The politician says to the priest, "You keep them stupid, I keep them poor."

Our whole history's a lie. Think of Fomenko. Charlemagne and Alexander the Great probably never existed. The calendar and our entire history was changed by the Church. All evidence of the church's ancient history dates from the Renaissance and is fake. When trying to compare our calendar with the Chinese one, we come across the Jesuits who worked in China for 170 years and wrote the history of China from their point of view.

I think this is what Q means when he says 90% of the people would go crazy if they knew the truth.